AGENDA #4f(2)




TO:                  Mayor and Town Council


FROM:            W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager


SUBJECT:      Recommended 2006-07 Public Art Plan


DATE:             June 12, 2006


The following resolution would adopt the 2006-07 Public Art Plan, providing one percent of all eligible capital projects for public art, pursuant to the Percent for Art Program adopted by the Town Council on March 4, 2002.




The Percent for Art program was adopted to:



The Percent for Art Program calls for the Public Arts Commission (CHPAC) and the Town Manager to review the Capital Improvements Program and make recommendations to the Town Council regarding public art.  The recommendations include which capital projects should dedicate 1% of their budget to public art, which projects would have artwork onsite and which projects should contribute 1% of their budget to a pool of funds to be used to commission, buy, maintain or conserve public artwork elsewhere. The Commission may recommend pooling funds if 1% of a project budget does not provide enough funds to commission or purchase a piece, or if the capital project in question does not provide a suitable location for public art.


The source of funds is relevant when considering whether a percent should go to public art.  Some grants are specific about what types of expenses are eligible for grant funding.  The wording of some bond referendum ballots does not allow use of bond proceeds for public art.  Some installment purchase contracts do not allow the borrowed funds to be used for art, particularly off-site pieces.  However, the Town Council has greater leeway in spending general revenues and when it explores the use of borrowed funds for public art before the terms of the borrowing have been finalized.


The first Percent for Art Work Plan Program was adopted on June 24, 2002.




We believe that the intent of the recommendations of the Public Arts Commission is reasonable and workable.


Section 3, of the March 4, 2002 ordinance that the Council adopted to define Percent for Public Art and the General Policies of the Program, includes the following:


One percent of the annual Capital Improvements Program shall be considered by the Council for reservation for public art.  However, the base from which the 1% is calculated shall exclude grant funds for which the Town provides a local match, bond funds which do not allow such a use, and any other funds whose source would prevent their use for public art.


a.                   The project budget shall include all costs funded by the Town for designing, building and equipping the facility, including site work but excluding the acquisition of land. 


b.                  The public art budget shall include all costs of artist selection; artist fee; fabrication; installation, including special plumbing, wiring or lighting; publicity; celebration; and any other cost related to the public art project.


The Public Arts Commission’s recommended 2006-07 Annual Art Plan is divided into five categories:


FY 2006-07 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Projects

The CHPAC recommends that the following projects be applicable for Percent for Art:



Staff Comment: We agree that these are appropriate projects for Percent for Art.


Greenways Projects

The CHPAC proposes to pool Percent for Art contributions for Greenways projects to enable one public art project to be designed, constructed and installed and working with the Parks and Recreation Department to determine which project would most benefit from the inclusion of an artist.


The CHPAC recommends that the percent for art for the following greenways be pooled:



Staff Comment: We believe it would be appropriate to designate one percent for art of funds the Council appropriates for any of these projects and that they be pooled. However, we do not believe the percent for art can be designated until the funding has actually been appropriated and, therefore, is available to be expended. This means that funding for several of the projects identified above will come in phases, consistent with the projects’ funding. In addition, we note that some of the funding for Bolin Creek Trail Phase III is from the 2001 Orange County bond referendum. Any Percent for Art funding related to the County’s contribution for the expansion of Bolin Creek Trail would be dependent on County agreement and would come from County funds.


Public Art Contextual Plan

The draft Public Art Contextual Plan identifies specific public art opportunities throughout Chapel Hill with attention to ongoing projects and commitments of the Town as approved by the Town Council in master planning documents and capital improvements.  The CHPAC requests the opportunity to present to the Council at a future date possible public art projects to be created by a professional public artist and referenced in the draft Public Art Contextual Plan.


Staff Comment: We believe this would be appropriate for the CHPAC to makes a presentation to the Council.


Continuation of Eligibility

Three of the 2003-04, 2004-05, and 2005-06 Capital Improvements Program projects approved by the Town Council as Percent for Art projects during these previous fiscal years have not commenced.  The CHPAC requests that these projects continue to be eligible for Percent for Art funding during FY 2006-07.  These projects include:



Staff Comment: We believe this would be appropriate.


Allocation of one percent of all eligible capital projects to the Percent for Art Fund

The CHPAC requests the allocation of one percent (1%) of eligible capital improvement projects to the Percent for Art Fund once the CIP is officially adopted.  The Public Art Fund is used to supplement Percent for Art projects with insufficient funds to commission a professional public artist to create a site specific work of art; acquire an existing work of art; and/or maintain and conserve the Town's collection of public artworks.  It is understood that the Public Fund excludes projects already contributing one percent (1%) of their principal amount for a public art project identified in the Annual Public Art Plan, as well as projects exempt from percent for art funds because the source from which the percent is calculated prevents such use.


Staff Comment: We believe that this is appropriate and consistent with past years’ practices.




Public Arts Commission’s Recommendation: The CHPAC met on May 25, 2006 and unanimously approved and voted to recommend that the Town Council adopt the Annual Public Art Plan for FY 2006-07.


Manager’s Recommendation: That the Council adopt the following resolution that would authorize the implementation of the Public Art Plan for 2006-07.




  1. March 4, 2002 Resolution (p. 7).