WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 2006, 7:00 P.M.
Chairperson Jonathan Whitney called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Commission members present were George Cianciolo, Gretchen MacNair, Laura King Moore, Scott Nilsen, and Robin Whitsell. Staff members present were Senior Planner Kay Pearlstein and Planning Technician Kay Tapp.
OWASA Water Reclamation Facility
at Mason Farm Wastewater Treatment Plant
(File No. 7.66.9A)
The Town has received a request for review of a Concept Plan to construct a reclaimed water storage and pumping facility and associated piping at the OWASA Mason Farm Road Wastewater Treatment Facility on Mason Farm Road. The reclaimed water will supply cooling tower demands at chiller facilities on the UNC campus. A concrete structure approximately 20 feet tall is proposed to house a storage tank and pump station and a building to house equipment is proposed to be located on top of the concrete structure. The development is proposed on the southeast corner of the existing OWASA pump station facility off Mason Farm Road located adjacent to the NC Botanic Gardens and the UNC Golf course. The 23.4-acres site is located in the Industrial (IND) zoning district and the Resource conservation district. The site is identified as Chapel Hill Township, Tax Map 66, Lot 9A.
The applicant’s presentation described a network of pipes proposed to provide industrial facilities on the UNC campus with reclaimed water stored and pumped at the OWASA Mason Farm Road Wastewater Treatment Plant.
No citizens spoke on the Concept Plan.
Commissioner Jonathan Whitney asked if reclaimed water pumping is associated with the facility. The applicant responded that it was.
He further questioned whether the new reclaimed water lines were proposed on Mason Farm Road. The applicant responded that although the exact location was yet to be determined, that generally they were planned for Mason Farm Road.
He suggested that preparation of cross-sections showing the relationship of Mason Farm Road to the creek would be helpful.
Commissioner Robin Whitsell and Commissioner Cianciolo expressed concern about the noise level of the pumps at the facility and asked what precautions were proposed. The applicant responded that they were sensitive to noise and were proposing to enclose the motors.
Prepared for: Robin Whitsell, Vice-Chair
Prepared by: Kay Pearlstein, Staff