REVISED from May 22, 2006


Initial requirements for documentation of energy efficiency standards for applicants seeking expedited processing:


a) Evidence that the applicant’s design team includes a registered member of the

    U.S. Green Building Council and is a LEED Accredited Professional;

            b) Evidence that the applicant has registered the project for LEED “Silver”

certification with the U.S. Green Building Council;

c) Evidence that the project has allocated money for energy modeling and

    daylight analysis;

d) Evidence that the project has hired a commissioning authority

e) Evidence that the project team has started to prepare documentation to satisfy

                LEED “Silver” certification prerequisite and credit submittal requirements.


Continued requirement for documentation of energy efficiency standards:


In order to maintain expedited processing status, the applicant shall submit evidence during the various stages of the Town’s review process that documents continued satisfactory progress towards achieving:

a) LEED “Silver” certification

b) a level of energy efficiency that exceeds by 20 percent the energy standards set

    by ASHRAE 90.1-2004.