TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: W. Calvin Horton, Town Manager
SUBJECT: Response to Petition Concerning Pedestrian/Motorist Safety Education
DATE: June 26, 2006
This memorandum responds to a petition from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board concerning Pedestrian/Motorist Safety Education.
On May 23, 2005, the Town Council adopted guidelines for the use of in-street pedestrian crossing signs. Please see Attachment 1.
On April 25, 2006, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board met with members of the Traffic Enforcement and Education Unit of the Police Department. Sergeant Jack Terry outlined the unit’s focus on prevention through education and the educational component of its program.
On May 8, 2006, the Board petitioned the Town Council to direct the Traffic Enforcement and Education Unit of the Police Department to hold a targeted event to educate pedestrians and motorists about how to safely use crosswalks located at intersections. The petition also requested that the Town Council direct the Traffic Engineer to identify and install several additional in-street crossing signs the same as the sign installed in the crosswalk at Raleigh Street between the Coker Arboretum and Alderman Dormitory. Please see Attachments 2 and 3.
One of the duties of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board as described in Chapter 2, Article XII, of the Town Code, is to:
The Town of Chapel Hill, Comprehensive Plan page 97 and the Town of Chapel Hill Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan page 30 state that:
“Bicycle facility development and maintenance should be coupled with other measures to promote bicycle usage in Chapel Hill, such as a public information and education program.”
Based on recent review by police, engineering and planning staff, we believe that a targeted effort to educate pedestrians and motorists about how to improve safety at crosswalks located at intersections is an appropriate public information activity.
The Board suggested a public event at a downtown location such as at the intersection of Franklin Street and Columbia Street or at Raleigh Road and South Road. We believe there would be an appropriate opportunity to hold a promotional event at the intersection of Church Street and W. Franklin Street. A traffic signal and marked crosswalk are currently being installed at this intersection by the North Carolina Department of Transportation. The signal will be tested for a period of one to two weeks before it is made operational. The Department will notify the Town when it begins testing. This should be adequate time to finalize details of an event to promote safe practices at signalized intersections.
We anticipate that the event would be a partnership between the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and members of the Traffic Enforcement and Education Unit of the Police Department. Members of the Board would be available to talk with citizens and the media while members of the Traffic Enforcement and Education Unit speak with motorists and pedestrians about operation of the new signal facility. We would also ask members of the Transportation Board, which has expressed the need for pedestrian education, to attend.
We believe that a similar event could be organized to mark the installation of a mid-block crosswalk on W. Franklin Street near the Franklin Hotel. The mid-block crosswalk is scheduled to be installed in the fall.
The second part of the Board’s petition is a request for the installation of in-street crossing signs at additional locations in the Town. During the summer, staff will compile a list of potential locations that comply with the guidelines for use of in-street pedestrian crossing signs endorsed by the Town Council on May 23, 2005. A follow-up report with recommendations will be provided to the Town Council in the fall.
Later this summer the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and members of the Traffic Enforcement and Education Unit of the Police Department will hold an event to encourage safe practices at crosswalks. This fall, we will hold an event to mark the installation of a mid-block crosswalk on W. Franklin Street near the Franklin Hotel.
We also will provide a follow-up report this fall which identifies potential locations for the installation of additional in-street crossing signs.
1. Petition (p. 3).