HIGHEST Priority


Revised               2.   Process for Horace Williams Property (Carolina North)

Description: Undertake foundational studies for the planning and development of the Horace Williams property. Continue community dialogue on the future of the Horace Williams property and discussions on process for receiving and considering additional information about the University of North Carolina’s plans for Carolina North.


For prior reports refer to past Quarterly Reports on Council Goals.


September 12, 2005 Status:  On June 27, 2005, the Council appointed two new members to the Committee and reappointed five members. In September 2005 the Committee will hear a presentation by the Village Project on an alternative development concept for Carolina North; the Village Project presented the concept at a public meeting in the Council Chamber at Town Hall in late June 2005. A progress report to the Council is planned for September 26, 2005.


November 21, 2005 Status:  A progress report was submitted November 9, 2005 and the Council adopted a resolution sending direction to the committee.


February 13, 2006 Status:  On January 24, 2006, the Town Council endorsed as policy Part B of the Horace Williams Citizen Committee’s recommendations on process, to conduct foundational studies including a long range transit master plan, it also accepted parts C (Develop new zone), D (Review concept plans) and E (Review development proposals) as recommendations that it will hold open for consideration as necessary.  The Town Council requested additional information about an invitation from the University to participate in its Leadership Advisory Committee. The Council will discuss the matter further at its February 13, 2006 meeting.


May 8, 2006 Status:  On March 2, April 6, and May 4 Town Council representatives participated in the Chancellor’s Leadership Advisory Committee which has been formed to develop a set of guiding principles for the development of the Carolina North Campus. On April 10, 2006 the Town Council resolved to conclude the service of the Horace Williams Citizens Committee effective June 30, 2006. The Horace Williams Citizens Committee is expected to present a report to the Town Council on May 20, outlining recommendations for the scope and content of a foundational study for environment resources.


Product to be Produced and Timetable

Begin Foundational Studies for:

·          Transit Long Range Plan: Begin to Develop Requests for Qualifications Spring 2006, target completion of Transit Plan Fall 2007

·          Fiscal Equity Plan: Begin Spring 2006, target completion Spring 2007

·          Land Conservation Plan: Begin Spring 2006, target completion Spring 2007


September 11, 2006 Status:  On June 1, July 6, August 28, and September 7, 2006 Town Council representatives participated in the Chancellor’s Leadership Advisory Committee.



2a. Foundational Studies: Long Range Transit Plan


Description: Develop a Long Range Transit Plan for Chapel Hill Transit’s future.  Look at potential transit configurations 20 to 30 years in the future.  Include review of potential fixed guideway corridors, such as U.S. 15-501/N.C. 54.  Seek grant funds to pay for such a study.  Include developing a policy that no roads in Chapel Hill be constructed or widened to be greater than four lanes.


For prior reports refer to past Quarterly Reports on Council Goals.


September 12, 2005 Status: Final preparations have been completed for a joint meeting of the transit partners on September 7, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. at the Friday Center. Mr. John Bonsall will provide an overview of his outline for preparing a Long Range Transit Plan.


November 21, 2005 Status: The Chapel Hill Transit Committee has met to discuss the Transportation Master Plan and is working on the scope of work for the committee project.


February 13, 2006 Status:  Town staff is preparing a draft scope of work for the development of the Plan. The draft scope will be submitted to the Public Transit Committee for review and comment on February 22, 2006.


May 8, 2006 Status: The Public Transit Committee reviewed draft Request for Qualifications on February 22, March 20, and April 21, 2006.


September 11, 2006 Status: A Request for Qualifications was issued July 2006. It is anticipated that the chosen contractor will start work in November 2006 and the project will take six to nine months to complete.



2b.    Foundational Studies: 2 Fiscal Equity Plan


Description: Establish a process with the University to create a fiscal equity model that could be used to fairly assess the direct revenues and costs to the Town that would result from the proposed development of University lands.


May 8, 2006 Status: On March 2, April 6, and May 4 Town Council representatives participated in the University’s Leadership Advisory Committee which has been formed to develop a set of guiding principles for the development of the Carolina North Campus.  The Town’s presentation on April 6 made specific reference to the need for a fiscal equity model.


Product to be Produced and Timetable

·         Reach agreement with University regarding process for developing fiscal equity model by Third Quarter, 2006

·         Develop fiscal equity model by Second Quarter, 2007


September 11, 2006 Status: Mayor Foy received a letter dated July 31, 2006 from Chancellor Moeser stating that the University of North Carolina would agree to engage a consultant to develop and conduct a fiscal impact analysis for the Carolina North development. The University proposes that a joint committee comprised of the Town of Chapel Hill, the Town of Carrboro, Orange County and the University be formed to advise throughout the study process. The Council will consider this matter at a future Council meeting.



2c.     Foundational Studies: 3 The need for a Land Conservation Plan


Description: Establish a process with the University to prepare proposals and strategies to conserve and protect open space at the Horace Williams property as part of the Carolina North development project.


May 8, 2006 Status:  On March 2, April 6, and May 4 Town Council representatives participated in the University’s Leadership Advisory Committee which has been formed to develop a set of guiding principles for the development of the Carolina North Campus.  The Town’s presentation on April 6 made specific reference to the need for a land conservation plan.


Product to be Produced and Timetable

·         Determine process for further consideration by Third Quarter, 2006


September 11, 2006 Status: Mayor Foy received a letter dated June 26, 2006 from Tony Waldrop, Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development, which advises that the University of North Carolina has engaged Biohabitats, Inc. to conduct environmental mapping and ecological assessment of the Horace Williams property. Completion of the work is anticipated this winter and will be shared with the community at that time.