The major work accomplished during the quarter was the following:
Five future Land Trust homes are under construction in Northside. Two are being built by Habitat for Humanity, two by Empowerment, Inc. and one by the Land Trust. We expect one of the Habitat homes to close in August. The second Habitat home should close in October. We are still marketing the home we have under construction at 603 Nunn Street, as well as the two Empowerment homes on N. Graham Street. A homebuyer outreach session will be held at the Hargraves Center on Saturday July 29th.
Legion Road Townhomes:
Three of the original owners are currently seeking to sell their homes on Legion Road. Prior to agreeing to resale prices, we need to resolve the homeowner association budget issues we became aware of earlier this year. The townhomes have recently been repainted, but we are concerned about the adequacy of the long-term capital reserves. We have learned that the long-term viability of the homeowner association may not be a priority of the current homeowners.
Rosemary Place:
We are working with the homeowner association to address construction issues that have manifested in the past several months. The primary problems are rotting door frames at the rear of the units. Apparently the door units, which are not covered and thus exposed to rain, were not properly caulked at the base. As a result, water is being wicked up and causing wood rot. We are seeking to find a contractor who can address the issue for all the homeowners, and teach the owners how to maintain the frames over time.
We also worked with a homeowner who had a slow leak in their sprinkler system that caused substantial damage. We assisted with the insurance company because the homeowners do not speak English very well.