TO: Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager
From: J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director
David Bonk, Long Range and Transportation Planning Coordinator
Subject: Status Report on Options to Increase Water Use Efficiency
DATE: September 27, 2006
The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a status report on the effort to identify regulatory and non-regulatory actions that may be taken by the Council in the immediate future to increase water use efficiency within the Chapel Hill portion of the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) service area.
In response to a written request from the Town dated November 8, 2006, OWASA was asked to report on the assessment of future demand and capacity for wastewater treatment and water supply. On February 27, 2006, the Town Council received the discussion paper from OWASA: “Water and Sewer Capacity Implications of Increased Density in OWASA’s Carrboro-Chapel Hill Service Area,” February 22, 2006 (Attachment 1).
On February 27, 2006, the Council requested that we report on specific regulatory and non-regulatory options the Council might take to increase the water efficiency of OWASA customers within the Town of Chapel Hill.
In response to the extreme drought and local water supply shortage of 2002, OWASA has proposed for its service area, including the Town of Chapel Hill, year-round water use restrictions, prohibitions against water waste, and the use of increasingly stringent measures during water supply shortages and emergencies. In addition, OWASA has begun to implement a number of alternative long-term water conservation and demand management strategies, including the institution of a conservation rate structure and development of a reclaimed water system.
OWASA has identified changing densities and development trends within the Town of Chapel Hill, as reflected in recent development proposals, as also having the potential to influence the demand for and capacity of OWASA’s wastewater treatment and water supply. Anticipated development and redevelopment were also discussed as opportunities to implement reduction measures on a local jurisdictional level.
OWASA has drafted five principle strategies for possible consideration by the jurisdictions within its service area:
Plumbing fixture retrofit upon property resale or change of use;
Water conservation landscaping requirements;
Development plan review procedures for water conservation;
Water use audits, leak repairs, and retrofits at public facilities;
Reclaimed water system connection ordinance.
These strategies will be evaluated further in the context of local policy objectives and priorities, implementation and/or enforcement costs, community acceptance and public information or education needs, and the legal authority of the Town to adopt such ordinances
On August 28, 2006, staff from the Town of Chapel Hill, the Town of Carrboro, Orange County, and OWASA met to discuss a draft report of principal strategies for implementation of these reduction measures. Strategies will be developed and discussed further during ongoing meetings between OWASA and Town staff. We will report back to the Council as these discussions progress.
February 27, 2006 Memorandum to Mayor and Council (begin new page 1).