Project Fact Sheet Requirements
Check List of Regulations and Standards
Starbucks at Eastgate Shopping Center |
Compliance |
Non-Compliance |
Use Permitted |
Ö |
Min. Gross Land Area |
Ö |
Min. Lot Size |
Ö |
Min. Lot Width |
Ö |
Max. Floor Area |
Ö |
Impervious Surface Limits |
Ö Low Density Option |
Treatment of Stormwater Quality, Volume, and Rate |
Ö |
Min. Recreation Area/Space |
NA |
Min. # Vehicular Parking Spaces |
Ö |
Min. # Bicycle Parking Spaces |
Ö |
Max. # Dwelling Units |
NA |
Min. Street Setback |
Ö |
Min. Interior Setback |
Ö |
Min. Solar Setback |
Ö |
Max. Height Limit |
Ö |
Min. Landscape Buffers |
Ö (If Alternate Buffer Approved On E. Franklin St. Frontage) |
Steep Slopes |
Ö |
Resource Conservation District |
Ö Conditionally, If In Compliance With Local Regulations |
100-Year Floodplain and Floodway |
Ö Conditionally, If In Compliance With Federal, State, and Local Regulations |
Watershed Protection District |
NA |
Adequate Public Schools Facilities |
NA |
Section 6.18 (Planned Developments) |
NA |
NA = Not Applicable Prepared: July 24, 2006