TO:                  Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


FROM:            J. B. Culpepper, Planning Director

                        Gene Poveromo, Development Coordinator


SUBJECT:      Concept Plan:  Oldham Subdivision


DATE:            October 4, 2006




Attached is a proposal for Concept Plan review for creation of 22 single-family lots on a 39-acre site.  The site is located on the east side of U.S. 15-501 across from Cole Drive. The property is in the Residential-Low Density-1 (R-LD1) zoning district and the Resource Conservation District (RCD). The property is outside the Town limits and the Urban Services Area and within Chapel Hill’s Extraterritorial Zoning Jurisdiction and the Chapel Hill/Orange County Joint Planning Transition Area.  





On January 27, 2003, the Council enacted a Land Use Management Ordinance requiring that the Council conduct a Concept Plan Review for proposed development meeting specific land or floor area thresholds.  Applications (other than in Town Center) meeting any of the minimum thresholds as shown below require Town Council review in addition to the Community Design Commission review: 



Threshold Triggering Council Review




Land Area


5 acres

Floor Area


100,000 square feet

# of Dwelling Units


50 dwelling units





The Council has the opportunity tonight to hear this applicant’s presentation, receive a set of comments from the Community Design Commission, hear public comment, and offer suggestions to the applicant for consideration as further plans are drawn.  At the conclusion of the evening’s discussion, we recommend that the Council adopt a resolution (attached) transmitting comments to the applicant.


An excerpt for the Land Use Management Ordinance with a description of the process for Concept Plans is attached.


The Concept Plan review process does not involve staff evaluation of the proposal.  Review of the Concept Plan submitted is conducted by the Community Design Commission and, in some instances, Town Council, as noted above.




The Community Design Commission heard a Concept Plan for the Oldham Subdivision on August 16, 2006 and forwarded comments to the Council.




A Concept Plan is a preliminary step toward preparation of a formal development plan and application.  The Land Use Management Ordinance states that design and construction of site elements should include:


The Town Council and Community Design Commission, in examining development applications, are to consider the various aspects of design, with special emphasis on whether the proposed development is consistent with the Town’s Design Guidelines, and the Goals and Objectives of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.  A work sheet for review of Concept Plans is attached for the Council’s use with this memorandum (Attachment 1).


Tonight’s Concept Plan was reviewed by the Community Design Commission on August 16, 2006. A copy of the Commission’s comments from the August 16th meeting is attached to this memorandum.




This Concept Plan proposal is for 22 single-family lots to be located on a 39-acre site located on the east side of U.S. 15-501 across from Cole Drive. A new road is proposed to create a single point of vehicular access from U.S. 15-501.  All lots are proposed to be served by individual wells and septic systems. Recreation Area (labeled Open Space on the plans) is proposed at the northeast corner of the subdivision between Lots 11, 12 and 13 and contains a stormwater basin. Lots 10 and 11 are proposed with a shared driveway access and Lot 10 is proposed to contain the septic area for Lot 11.


The Land Use Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Plan, identifies this site as Rural Residential with one unit per two to five acres. The site is located in the Residential-Low Density-1 (R-LD1) zoning district. The property is located outside the Town limits and outside the Town Urban Service Area. A portion of the site is located within the Extraterritorial Zoning Jurisdiction and a portion of the site is located in the Joint Planning Transition Area. The property is located in Orange County and is identified as Chapel Hill Township PIN 9776-89-7469.




We recommend that the Council review this Concept Plan, receive comments from citizens, and adopt a resolution transmitting comments to the applicant.




  1. Worksheet for Concept Plan Review (p.5).
  2. Excerpt from Land Use Management Ordinance of Concept Plan procedures (p.7).
  3. August 16, 2006 Community Design Commission Concept Plan Summary Comments (p.10).
  4. Area Map (p.12).
  5. Concept Plan application materials (p.13).
  6. Reduced Plans (p.15).