Traditionally the Construction Plan has been prepared based on a priority list. The priority list is generated by applying the Town’s adopted ranking system to proposed sidewalks identified in the Town’s Sidewalk List (Attachment 6). The sidewalk list is a compilation of sidewalks identified through the development of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan and from historic citizen requests. The sidewalk list is now included in the Town’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan.


The ranking system is intended to be used as a “general guide” for identifying potential sidewalk projects.  Projects are assigned a priority based on street classification, proximity to schools, transit and other pedestrian generators such as shopping and parks, whether there is an existing sidewalk or worn path, also whether a facility is a small gap or missing link between pedestrian generators. Please see the table over the page. Other factors are then considered, such as availability of right-of-way, construction feasibility, and immediacy of need to determine a list of new sidewalk projects for each fiscal year.  By considering these other factors, projects other than those at the top of the ranking list could be chosen for funding and construction.   


Typically, we focus on higher priority projects in the sidewalk ranking system.  However, we also take into account the following feasibility criteria to evaluate sidewalk projects:




On October 24, 2004 The Town Council adopted the Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan as a component of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. The Action Plan is a long-range plan which identifies proposed new and improved bicycle and pedestrian facilities for the Town. The plan identifies locations for improved facilities which:



To prepare the 2004-2005 Construction Plan we also applied the following principles for implementation which are recommended in the Town’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Action Plan:



Finally we gave priority to sidewalk construction on Town-maintained streets.