to: Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager
from: Lance Norris, Director of Inspections
Dan Jones, Fire Chief
subject: Enactment of the International Building and Fire Codes with North Carolina Amendments and to clarify the Fire Limits
date: October 9, 2006
The purpose of this report is to request Town Council to enact the attached ordinance to enact the following codes:
Enactment of the ordinance would define the Fire Limits of the Town of Chapel Hill as referenced by General Statutes and applicable codes and ordinances
The 2003 International Building Code, Fire, Administrative and Enforcement, Residential, Plumbing, Mechanical, Fuel Gas, Energy Code and 2005 Edition of the National Electrical Code (NFiPA -70) with North Carolina Amendments would replace the current 2002 International Building, Fire, Administrative and Enforcement, Residential, Plumbing, Mechanical, Fuel Gas, Energy Code and 2002 Edition of the National Electrical Code (NFiPA -70) with North Carolina Amendments. The State of North Carolina has already adopted the 2003 International Building Code(s) with North Carolina Amendments effective on December 31, 2006.
With the development and publication of the family of International Codes in 2000, the continued development and maintenance of the model codes individually promulgated by Building Officials and Code Administrators ("BOCA National Codes"), International Conference of Building Officials, ICBO (“Uniform Codes") and Southern Building Code Council International, SBCCI ("Standard Codes") was discontinued. The 2003 International Building Code, as well as its predecessor-the 2000 edition, is intended to be the successor building code to those codes previously developed by BOCA, ICBO and SBCCI.
We believe that the enactment of the new code will be beneficial. Since code enforcement applies to the Town’s planning district, the new codes would be enforceable within the Town limits and in the extra-territorial jurisdiction, as is the existing code.
Fire Limits
The North Carolina General Statutes require an incorporated city to pass an ordinance defining the fire limits, which includes and identifies the central business portions of a city, also known as the primary fire district. There are fire and building codes, as well as local ordinances that may have restrictions that are specifically referenced in the respective codes. As for the Town of Chapel Hill, we are asking that we define our central business districts as Town Center Zoning Districts. Defining the fire limit clarifies our enforcement of building, fire and local codes or ordinances on Franklin Street, Rosemary, etc. for the safety of citizens and visitors, in preserving the downtown buildings, but first and foremost to protect lives and property.
That Town Council adopts the attached documents into the Town of Chapel Hill Ordinances as applicable.