JUNE 28, 2006, 7:00 P.M.


Chairperson Jonathan Whitney called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Commissions attending the meeting were Mark Broadwell, George Cianciolo, Dale Coker, Chris Culbreth, Eleanor Howe, Laura King Moore, Amy Ryan, Jonathan Whitney, Chair, and Robin Whitsell. Staff members present were Senior Planner Kay Pearlstein and Planning Technician Kay Tapp.



   The Town has received a request for a Concept Plan Review which proposes to construct a place of worship on Weaver Dairy Road.  The site is located on east side of Weaver Dairy Road, approximately 400 feet north of Sedgefield Road (see map on back). The proposed development includes 14,400 square feet of floor area including a 400 seat sanctuary, and a gym/fellowship area.  The proposed development also includes 100 parking spaces.  The proposal includes the removal of several existing structure, except for a single-story dwelling unit.  The 3.85-acre site is located in the Residential-2 (R-2) zoning district and the Resource Conservation District.  The site is identified as Chapel Hill Township, Tax Map 26, Lot 26. 



The Concept Plan presentation for the project showed the proposed location for the Sage Road Extension. The applicant further explained that symbolism was very important to the design for the two buildings for the site currently occupied by Northampton Terrace.  



  1. Commissioner Jonathan Whitney asked what was on the adjacent lot. The applicant replied that it was vacant and hoped to acquire it.


    Commissioner Whitney wanted to see cross-sections through the site, especially showing the Resource Conservation District. He added that the applicant would likely need to do a Traffic Impact Analysis for the project.

  2. Commissioner Amy Ryan was concerned about the sprawling nature of the building.


    She wanted to know if a pre-school was included. The applicant replied that a pre-school was located at another location (at their Farrington Road church) and was not planned for this location. Commissioner Ryan encouraged the applicant to think about a dual-use for a pre-school because the Town needs pre-schools and it would provide a use during the week. She encouraged the applicant to arrange more outdoor space for use on the site.


    She noted that the raised cross that is proposed as part of the sanctuary roof becomes lost as it ends in at the fellowship/gym area and that it looses its impact.


    She questioned how drainage on the site would be handled, especially if NCDOT was planning on building a retaining wall for the proposed Sage Road Extension along the northern property line as the applicant indicated. The applicant replied that that would need to be worked out with NCDOT as plans were developed.


    She supported the location of the gym buried in the woods with the retention of the on-site hardwoods.

  3. Commissioner Newby supported the amount of trees proposed to be retained. She noted that the location was near schools and although a good location for the church, also safety would be a concern. She expressed concern with cars being dumped onto Weaver Dairy Road and the Sage Road Extension.


    She wondered if phases of development were proposed. The applicant replied yes; the gym would be the first stage and the sanctuary would be part of phase 2.

  4. Commissioner Chris Culbreth requested additional elevations for the sides of the buildings.

  5. Commissioner Mark Broadwell had concerns about the amount of parking and did not like seeing so much of the site devoted to parking.

  6. Commissioner Laura K. Moore supported the site plan layout but worried about the exits, especially during the day. The Pastor replied that the church would hopefully be used by UNC and Duke students. He liked the idea of the nursery/pre-school and that several rooms open to the outside. He noted that bus stops existed at both ends of the site. He liked the idea of a  Park and Ride lot and helping the community.



Prepared for:   Jonathan Whitney, Chair

Prepared by:    Kay Pearlstein, Staff