TO: Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager
FROM: J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director
David Bonk, Long Range and Transportation Coordinator
SUBJECT: Calling a Public Forum for the Revision of the Comprehensive Plan
DATE: October 23, 2006
This is Part B of a two-part item. It responds to Part A, the report of the Planning Board.
The memorandum proposes that the Council receive the report of the Planning Board and call one or more public forums inviting citizens to provide additional input in the review process. The attached resolution would schedule a Council Public Forum for November 20, 2006 and also direct the Planning Board to hold a Public Forum prior to November 20, 2006, to receive additional comment.
On January 12, 2006, the Council endorsed a process for revising the 2000 Comprehensive Plan. The Council requested that the Planning Board oversee the process as outlined below:
During the spring of 2006, advisory boards reviewed the Comprehensive Plan and during September, the Planning Board reviewed and compiled those comments into a report for the Town Council. Part A of this agenda item is the Planning Board report, which has been forwarded for the Town Council’s consideration.
On October 9, 2006, the Downtown Partnership forwarded to the staff comments on potential revisions to the Comprehensive Plan. Please see Attachment 1. These comments were not incorporated into the Planning Board Report.
The Community Design Commission is scheduled to hold a work session on the Comprehensive Plan on October 19, 2006, and we expect the Commission to provide comments at that time.
We believe that advisory boards and commissions have identified the following matters which could be the basis of additional themes in the Comprehensive Plan:
The review has also identified modifications and revisions to existing themes expressed in the Plan. In particular we believe the Plan theme of Community Character should contain a discussion about redevelopment and infill development, and about density in relation to the downtown and other locations where there are opportunities for transit oriented and transit supportive development.
At the beginning of this review process staff advised that the scope and process for the revision of the Plan would depend on the nature and extent of the comments received during the review. We suggested that comments of a minor nature could be addressed by simple adjustment to the Plan. Alternatively, comments of a major nature may require the development of a new community vision and mean undertaking a new plan preparation process.
The Planning Board considers that the current review process has revealed a need for something more than a minor adjustment of the existing Plan. The Board believes that the importance of the Plan in guiding the future of the community warrants publicity and additional opportunities for public input at this stage of the review process. The Planning Board has recommended that the Council hold more than one public forum to receive citizen input. It suggested that the Council hold a public forum on the weekend for those citizens who may not be able to attend an evening meeting.
The original process and schedule for this review process included a public forum when the Council received the Planning Board report. The public review process to date through town advisory boards and commissions has provided opportunities for citizen input and identified many items for potential inclusion in a revision to the Comprehensive Plan.
We believe that if the Council agrees that an additional forum is necessary, it could be sponsored by the Planning Board and should be held prior to the November 20, 2006, Council Forum.
Following the Council Public Forum staff will prepare a report discussing how to address the suggested revisions to the Comprehensive Plan. We anticipate that this report could be a topic for discussion at the Council Planning Session in January 2007.
Thereafter, staff could prepare a process and schedule for the Council’s consideration to revise the Comprehensive Plan, beginning in spring, 2007.
We recommend the Council adopt the attached resolution which would schedule a Public Forum for November 20, 2006. The resolution would also direct the Planning Board to hold a Public Forum prior to November 20, 2006, to receive additional comment.
1. Downtown Partnership Comments on the Comprehensive Plan, dated September 10, 2006 (p. 5).