AGENDA #2c(1)
TO: Mayor and Town Council
FROM: Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission
SUBJECT: Public Forum: Public Art Contextual Plan
DATE: November 6, 2006
The Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission appreciates the Town Council’s past support of the draft Chapel Hill Public Art Contextual Plan.
If adopted, the Public Art Contextual Plan will complement and build upon the work of existing Town of Chapel Hill master plans and action plans, and will recognize areas of overlap and synergy among land use planning, the Comprehensive Plan and public art.
The Contextual Plan proposes augmenting the Town’s existing Percent for Art program in municipal capital construction projects and introducing a similar percent for art program in private development projects. The Plan also identifies methods and opportunities for professional artists to engage in the design of our natural and built environments as well as to shape our thinking and aesthetic responses to Chapel Hill.
Thank you for your continued support.