HIGHEST Priority


Continued          17. Advisory Board Recruitment for Diversity


Description: At its January 13, 2005 retreat, the Council discussed ways to increase diversity on Town advisory boards, including increasing recruitment efforts by using e-mail ListServs, contacting non-profit organizations and placing ads in newsletters of nonprofit organizations.


February 28, 2005 Status:  New Goal.


May 9, 2005 Status:  Board and Commission vacancy advertisements have been sent to all agenda face sheet email recipients. Additionally, advertisements have been placed on the Town’s website and cable channel, and in both the Herald Sun and the Chapel Hill News. We will prepare print materials for distribution at Town buildings and will request public service announcements by WCHL.


September 12, 2005 Status:  Board and Commission vacancy advertisements have been sent to all agenda face sheet email recipients. Additionally advertisements have been placed in the TownWeek section of The Chapel Hill News. Print materials for distribution at Town buildings will also be distributed.


November 21, 2005 Status:  No change in status.


February 13, 2006 Status:  Board and Commission vacancies advertisement sent to current board and committee members and Town News list serve on a monthly basis. Advertisement for vacancies also placed in TownWeek section of the Chapel Hill News, on the Town website and cable channel. Brochures with application forms have been distributed at Town facilities, the Chamber of Commerce, and Visitors’ Center. Town Information Officer and Town Clerk are gathering information to launch recruitment campaign.


May 8, 2006 Status:  Bus posters were placed in 83 buses, for three months, encouraging citizens to volunteer to serve on Town boards and commissioners. Board and Commission vacancies were also advertised in Southern Neighbor, the Daily Tarheel, and on the Peoples Channel. Advertisements for vacancies were also placed in TownWeek, on the Town Website and on Cable Channel 18. Service opportunities also will be advertised in the Town Guide to Services that will be distributed in June 2006.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·         Plan for improved recruitment methods

o       Initiate additional efforts in the First Quarter, 2006 and produce report by Second Quarter, 2006. Those efforts to include advertisements in the following: Chapel Hill News, Daily Tar Heel, Southern Neighbor, telephone book, buses, radio, cable Channel 18 and the Town Guide to Services. Brochures to be distributed at community centers, and other public buildings.


September 11, 2006 Status: Service opportunities were featured prominently in the Town Guide to Services issued in June 2006 and distributed throughout the year. Advertisements continue to be featured in TownWeek, on the Town Website and on Cable Channel 18.


November 6, 2006 Status: Outreach continues with brochures, print advertisements, bus posters and insertions into Town publications such as recreation and services guides. New outreach included face-to-face interaction with residents at Festifall fair booth. Current volunteers on boards and committees will be asked to participate in our overall recruitment efforts. We hope to target special audiences through the schools, churches and business community.