SECOND Priority
Continued 22. Downtown Small Area Plan Implementation
Description: Develop an implementation schedule and begin implementing the Downtown Small Area Plan. The Town has completed some of the initiatives in the Plan since its adoption in 2000, but in a piecemeal fashion. This document would spell out specific projects and a timetable for completing them.
For prior reports refer to past Quarterly Reports on Council Goals.
September 12, 2005 Status: We recommend that this work be deferred until 2006 because of staffing shortages and workload challenges.
November 21, 2005 Status: No change in status.
February 13, 2006 Status: Council agreed to request the participation of Carrboro to develop a process for coordinating the development of the West Franklin Street/Main Street area. Staff is preparing a memorandum for Council review on February 27, 2006 outlining a possible process to undertake this project.
May 8, 2006 Status: On February 27, 2006, the Council appointed Council Members Cam Hill and Mark Kleinschmidt to initiate discussions with elected officials from Carrboro regarding a Small Area Plan process for the West Franklin, West Rosemary and Main Street area.
Products to Be Produced and Timetable
· Report to Council proposing projects and implementation schedule
o Work to begin in Fall 2006
September 11, 2006 Status: We anticipate that the Carrboro Board of Aldermen will consider Chapel Hill’s request to initiate discussions to develop a Small Area Plan for the West Franklin, West Rosemary and Main Street in September, 2006.
November 6, 2006 Status: No change in status.