SECOND Priority


Continued          23. Street Vendors


Description: Review street vending downtown, and a process to evaluate proposals for licensing vendors.  Explore opportunities with the Public Arts Commission.


For prior reports refer to past Quarterly Reports on Council Goals.


February 28, 2005 Status:  Work to begin in Fourth Quarter 2005.


May 9, 2005 Status:  Work to begin in Fourth Quarter, 2005.


September 12, 2005 Status: To be incorporated as part of the Downtown Small Area Plan implementation work described above in Item 22.


November 21, 2005 Status: No change in status.


February 13, 2006 Status: Refer to Downtown Partnership.


May 8, 2006 Status: No change in status.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable

ˇ         Letter requesting consideration by Downtown Partnership, First Quarter, 2006


September 11, 2006 Status: In May, the Downtown Partnership confirmed that it was working on the issue.


November 6, 2006 Status: The Downtown Partnership Board first considered the issue in September. It plans to forward the issue to the Council sometime in early 2007.