SECOND Priority


Continued          27. Energy Bond/Efficiency


Description: Continue planning for implementation of energy bonds and achieving energy efficiency in Town buildings.


For prior reports refer to past Quarterly Reports on Council Goals.


February 28, 2005 Status:  Council referred a proposal to create a revised energy conservation ordinance to advisory boards for comment and held a public forum on February 21, 2005.  The Council Committee is also engaged in implementing the sustainable community development grant for energy improvements to Fire Station #1 and developing an Energy Bank proposal for Council consideration prior to implementing 2003 bond projects for energy improvements.


May 9, 2005 Status:  The Council will consider a revised energy ordinance this evening.


The Committee has recommended that the Council approve designating Chapel Hill as a Carbon Reduction Project site, which involves pledging to substantially reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Follow-up report scheduled for May 23.


September 12, 2005 Status: On May 9, 2005, the Council adopted a revised Energy Conservation Ordinance establishing a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design standard for new and expanded Town buildings.  On June 27, 2005, the Council heard a consultant’s presentation on a draft Energy Bank concept, which would “bank” savings resulting from energy improvements at Town buildings to pay for future energy projects. The follow-up report on the Carbon Reduction Project proposal, originally scheduled for May 23, is on tonight’s agenda.


November 21, 2005 Status: Primary staff oversight for this has been moved from the Planning Department to the Public Works Department.  Ongoing efforts include review of all of the Town’s utility accounts, with the aim of providing more accurate account information on each utility bill.  One Public Works staff member is working on a course of study leading to certification as a LEED accredited professional.  In the upcoming CIP budgeting process, we plan to solicit nominations for several energy bank projects to be funded in FY 2006-07.


February 13, 2006 Status:  We received a letter from the NC State Energy Office, dated January 26, 2006, notifying us that the Town has been awarded a Sustainable Community Development grant in the amount of $30,000 to install a photovoltaic panel system on the roof of Fire Station # 1.  The grant contract requires an $8,000 local match from the Town’s Energy Bank and assumes that the Energy Bank will be reimbursed from energy cost savings attributable to the project. The terms of the contract require the Town to complete the work by June 30, 2006. 


May 8, 2006 Status:  The Council authorized the Town Manager to accept a $30,000 Sustainable Community Development grant from the State Energy Office on April 10, 2006. The grant funds and $8,000 in matching funds will be used to install a photovoltaic panel system on the roof of Fire Station #1.

Products to Be Produced and Timetable

·        Referred to Council Committee on Sustainability, Energy and Environment. The draft “Energy Bank Policies and Procedures” document is scheduled for review by the committee during May 2006.


September 11, 2006 Status: The Town Council adopted the Manager’s recommended Energy Bank Policies and Procedures Manual on June 26, 2006. No funds have been obligated to date; however, we are in the planning stages for the Town Hall HVAC replacement project and the Fire Station #1 photovoltaic panel installation project.


November 6, 2006 Status: The Town Council adopted the Manager’s recommended Energy Bank Policies and Procedures Manual on June 26, 2006. During August 2006 we used $10,500 from the Energy Bank to replace two aging water heaters at the IFC Shelter with high-efficiency water heaters. The estimated payback period for this project is two years. We are in the planning stages for the Town Hall HVAC replacement project and the Fire Station #1 photovoltaic panel installation project.