WHEREAS, the Chapel Hill Town Council enacted a new zoning district on July 2, 2001, and adopted amendments in June 2005, to address the need to allow for growth while mitigating impacts, and applied this zoning district to the University’s Main Campus; and
WHEREAS, on June 25, 2003, August 26, 2003, and June 14, 2004, after reviewing Development Plan Modification No. 1 and No. 2 materials submitted by the University, the Town approved the Development Plan Modification No. 1 and No. 2 applications that maps out future campus growth and addresses mitigation of impacts; and
WHEREAS, the University submitted a Development Plan Modification No. 3 application dated June 8, 2006, and supplemental materials dated September 1, 2006, September 13, 2006, and the Traffic Impact Analysis addendum dated October 2006, seeking to amend the Development Plan;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that it finds that development proposed by the Development Plan Modification No. 3 application of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, for property identified as parts of Chapel Hill Township Tax Maps numbered 71, 73, 74, 86, and 87, if developed according to the Development Plan Modification No. 3 dated June 8, 2006, and supplemental information dated September 1, 2006, September 13, 2006, and the Traffic Impact Analysis addendum dated October 2006, in compliance with the conditions listed below, would:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council hereby approves the application for a Development Plan Modification No. 3 in accordance with the plans listed above and with the conditions listed below:
General Stipulations
1. Relationship to 2001, 2003, and 2004 Development Plans: This approval modifies the terms of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Development Plans approved by the Town Council on October 3, 2001, June 25, 2003, August 26, 2003 and June 14, 2004. Except as specifically authorized or modified by this document, the terms and conditions of the Development Plan Resolutions as adopted by the Council on October 3, 2001, June 25, 2003, August 26, 2003, and June 14, 2004 remain in effect.
2. Level of Development: This Development Plan Modification No. 3 approval represents preliminary authorization for demolition and construction of facilities as shown on Map 2 from the Development Plan Modification No. 3, dated September 1, 2006. Additional information is included in the Table 4, dated September 13, 2006.
In any case involving conflicting information, the controlling component of the Development Plan Modification No. 3 shall be the Map called Modification No. 3, Map 2 dated September 1, 2006.
The controlling maps for the Perimeter Transition Areas shall be:
ˇ Arts Common//South Columbia Street, Maps 7 and 8 dated June 8, 2006;
ˇ Grounds Facility, Maps 9 and 10, dated June 8, 2006;
ˇ Boshamer Stadium, Maps 11 and 12, dated June 8, 2006; and
ˇ Law School Addition, Maps 13 and 14, dated September 1, 2006.
3. Land Use: Unless otherwise modified by conditions herewith, this Development Plan Modification No. 3 authorizes the following:
1. Modification to the building height of an academic building A-5 Mod.
2. Construction of a 175,000 square-foot academic building A-14 Mod.
3. Construction of a 125,000 square-foot academic building A-20 Mod.
4. Construction of an 80,000 square-foot academic building A-21 Mod.
5. Construction of a 75,000 square-foot academic building A-22 Mod.
6. Construction of a 50,000 square-foot addition to an academic building A-23 Mod.
7. Construction of a 25,000 square-foot addition to an athletics facility ATH-1 Mod.
8. Construction of a 125,000 square-foot addition and 8,804 seats to an athletic facility ATH-2 Mod.
9. Construction of a 15,000 square-foot addition to a cultural building C-6 Mod.
10. Relocation of a chiller infrastructure building I-5 Mod.
11. Construction of a 48,000 square-foot infrastructure complex I-6 Mod.
12. Construction of a water storage infrastructure facility I-7 Mod.
13. Construction of an 180,000 square-foot office building O-4 Mod.
14. Construction of a 12,000 square-foot addition to office building O-5 Mod.
15. Construction of a 231-space parking deck and tennis courts P-12 Mod.
16. Relocation of 890 from parking deck P-4 Mod. to parking deck P-11 Mod.
17. Relocation of research buildings R-1 Mod, R-2 Mod and R-3 Mod.
18. Construction of a 330,000 square-foot research building R-5 Mod.
ˇ Academic buildings A-5, A-14 Mod, A-20, A-21, A-22, A-23 Mod;
ˇ Athletic facilities ATH-1, ATH 2 Mod;
ˇ Cultural building C-6;
ˇ Infrastructure buildings I-5 Mod; I-6, I-7;
ˇ Office buildings O-4, O-5;
ˇ Parking deck structures P-4 Mod, P-11, P-12; and
ˇ Research buildings R-1, R-2, R-3, R-5.
4. Land Use Intensities: Land Use Intensities, authorized by the June 8, 2006 and September 1, 2006 Development Plan Modification No. 3, are modified as specified below:
Land Use Intensity |
Development Plan Modification No. 3 |
Academic floor area |
+ 530,000 sq ft |
Athletic floor area/seats |
+ 145,000 sq ft |
Cultural floor area |
+ 15,000 sq ft |
Infrastructure floor area |
+48,000 sq ft |
Office floor area |
+ 192,000 sq ft |
Parking |
0 spaces (no change) |
Research floor area |
+ 330,000 sq ft |
Impervious Surface Area |
+ 53 acres (approximately) |
5. Consistency of Site Development Permit Application with Development Plan Modification No. 3: No application for a Site Development Permit for land use authorized by this permit within the boundary of this Development Plan Modification No. 3, as shown on Map 2, dated September 1, 2006, shall be approved unless such application is consistent with the Council-approved Development Plan Modification No. 3. Consistent does not mean identical; building footprints and landscaped areas shown on the Council approved Development Plan Modification No. 3, except as otherwise noted below for certain Perimeter Transition Areas, shall be considered to indicate approximate size and location.
6. Interpretation of - Map 4: Map 4, dated June 8, 2006, shall be considered to indicate, approximately, areas of pervious and impervious surface that will exist within the area covered by this Development Plan Modification No. 3 after full development has been completed. Except for incidental paving for walkways and fire lanes, areas shown as “Forest” and “Cleared Woodlands” will be expected to be pervious surface after full development, either with existing vegetation left undisturbed or with new vegetation planted and maintained, unless further specified by stipulations below.
Stipulations Related to Transportation
7. Requirements for Ongoing Data Collection and Analysis for Biennial Transportation Impact Analysis:
a) Intersection Analysis: 2007 and subsequent Biennial Transportation Impact Analysis shall analyze the following additional intersections for existing, no-build, and build conditions Level of Service (LOS) in addition to the 47 intersections analyzed in February 2006 Transportation Impact Analysis:
1. NC 54 and Hamilton Road
2. NC 54 and Burning Tree Drive
3. NC 54 and West Barbee Chapel Road
4. NC 54 and Meadowmont Lane/Friday Center Drive
5. NC 54 and US 15/501 Off Ramp West
6. NC 54 and US 15-501 Off Ramp East
7. US 15-501 and Culbreth Road/Mt. Carmel Church Road
8. US 15-501 and Bennett Road/Arlen Park Drive
9. US 15-501 and Main Street
Existing A.M. and P.M. peak hour turning movement counts for the above intersections shall be undertaken on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday when school is in session.
b) Average Daily Count Analysis: 2007 and subsequent Biennial Transportation Impact Analysis shall include the following additional locations for existing, no-build, and build conditions Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Counts in addition to the 18 locations analyzed in February 2006 Transportation Impact Analysis:
1. US 15-501 west of Main Street
2. US 15-501 East of Culbreth Road
3. NC 54 west of Hamilton Road
4. NC 54 east of East Barbee Chapel Hill Road
Existing counts for the above locations shall be undertaken on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday when school is in session.
Stipulations Related to Street Improvements
8. Fordham Boulevard/Manning Drive Street Lights: That within six months of Council approval of the Development Modification No. 3, the University shall provide funding in the amount of $50,000 to the Town of Chapel Hill for installation of street lighting on Fordham Boulevard between Manning Drive and Old Mason Farm Road.
9. Fordham Boulevard/Manning Drive Traffic Signal Upgrade: Subject to the approval of North Carolina Department of Transportation, the Fordham Boulevard/Manning Drive signalized intersection shall be upgraded with pedestrian “count down” heads with crosswalks within 12 months of approval of the Development Plan Modification No. 3 by the Town Council.
10. Mason Farm Road/East Drive and West Drive Traffic Signal Installation: The University shall design and install a traffic signal with pedestrian amenities at the intersections of Mason Farm Road/East Drive and Mason Farm Road/West Drive within 12 months of the approval of the Development Plan Modification No. 3 by the Town Council. The design and construction details must be reviewed and approved by the Town Manager. Upon successful installation of traffic signals, the Town assumes the ownership and maintenance of the traffic signals.
11. Public Street Repairs: That the following streets abutting University construction sites and streets used as construction access, which have been damaged during University construction activity, shall be repaired and re-paved upon completion of adjacent University building projects proposed in Development Modification No. 3:
ˇ Mason Farm Road from South Columbia Street to East Drive; and
ˇ Ridge Road from Country Club Road to Manning Drive.
Stipulations Related to Site Development Permits
12. C-6 Carolina Inn Expansion: That the submittal of a Site Development Permit for the addition to the Carolina Inn shall include verification that the proposed addition was reviewed and approved by the Chapel Hill Historic District Commission.
13. P-4 Bell Tower Parking Deck and P-11 Craige Parking Deck: That the submittal of a Site Development Permit for the Bell Tower Parking Deck (P-4) and the Craige Parking Deck (P-11) shall include the following information:
a the total number of parking spaces in the existing parking facility;
b the total of number of parking spaces displaced during construction activities associated with the proposed Site Development Permit application;
c anticipated dates/time frame associated with the displaced parking spaces; and
d description of University plans to provide alternate parking spaces (including proposed locations on and off campus) or to provide opportunities for alternate modes of transportation.
Transportation impacts associated with the displaced parking spaces may require that the University makes temporary improvements to the Town’s traffic signal infrastructure or roadway improvements, as determined by the Town Manager.
The following information and design standards shall be required for the following specific Perimeter Transition Areas with the submission of a Site Development Permit application:
14. A-23 Mod (Law School): For the Law School Perimeter Transition Area the following additional stipulations shall apply:
a) That the Perimeter Transition Area boundary shall encumber the contiguous wooded area adjacent to Ridge Road, between the proposed building site and the tennis courts.
b) The following land use activities are prohibited within the Perimeter Transition Area boundary line:
ˇ Parking spaces/areas;
ˇ Refuse/recycling facilities; and
ˇ Stormwater facilities unless 1) the Town Manager determines the location to be reasonable and practical; and 2) the University submits a plan showing coordinated stormwater management and landscape buffers strategies for the stormwater facilities within the Perimeter Transition Area boundary.
c) That if the Town Manager determines necessary, in order to manage and retain stormwater impacts from this proposed project within the boundary of the OI-4 district, and mitigate stormwater impact downstream in the adjacent residential neighborhood, a portion of the Perimeter Transition Area, south of the proposed building addition, may include stormwater management facilities.
d) That with the submittal of a Site Development Permit, the University shall submit a plan showing coordinated stormwater management and landscape buffers strategies for stormwater facilities within the Perimeter Transition Area boundary. This plan shall demonstrate that a 10-foot wide landscape buffer will be provided between any proposed stormwater facilities and Ridge Road. A landscape buffer plan for this area shall be submitted with an application for a Site Development Plan.
15. ATH-1 Mod (Boshamer Stadium): For the Boshamer Stadium Perimeter Transition Area the following additional stipulation shall apply:
a) The following land use activities are prohibited within the Perimeter Transition Area boundary line:
ˇ Parking spaces/areas; and
ˇ Stormwater facilities unless 1) the Town Manager determines the location to be reasonable and practical; and 2) the University submits a plan showing coordinated stormwater management and landscape buffers strategies for the stormwater facilities within the Perimeter Transition Area boundary.
The maintenance and continued operation of the existing refuse/recycling facility is permitted within this Perimeter Transition Area.
b) That a minimum 50-foot wide landscape buffer area shall be maintained within the Perimeter Transition Area boundary, between the proposed developments and the adjacent private residential property. The landscape buffer may include existing vegetation or planted landscape materials. A landscape buffer plan for this area shall be submitted with an application for a Site Development Permit.
16. I-6 (Grounds Facility): For the Grounds Facility Perimeter Transition Area the following additional stipulations shall apply:
a) That a minimum 30-foot wide landscape buffer area shall be maintained within the Perimeter Transition Area boundary, between the proposed developments and the adjacent private property. The landscape buffer may include exiting vegetation or planted landscape materials. A landscape buffer plan for this area shall be submitted with an application for a Site Development Permit.
b) That a minimum building setback dimension along the south property line, shall not be less that the measured dimension distance between the south facing elevations of the existing buildings and the adjacent private property.
c) The following land use activities are prohibited within the Perimeter Transition Area boundary line:
ˇ Parking spaces/areas;
ˇ Refuse/recycling facilities; and
ˇ Stormwater facilities unless 1) the Town Manager determines the location to be reasonable and practical; and 2) the University submits a plan showing coordinated stormwater management and landscape buffers strategies for the stormwater facilities within the Perimeter Transition Area boundary.
Miscellaneous Stipulations
17. Construction Traffic Routing Map: That the submittal of a Site Development Plan shall include a construction traffic routing map that identifies the local street network that will be impacted by construction traffic associated with this proposed addition. That the routing plan minimizes, and where practical, prohibits construction traffic on local streets. That the plan also provide for the safe and continued use of bicycle and pedestrian corridors during construction.
18. Construction Management Plan: That in addition to the current Site Development Permit application requirements for the submission of a Construction Management Plan, each application for a Site Development Permit for those projects approved by this Development Permit Application shall include the following:
a) Construction Management Plan Enforcement: That each Construction Management Plan shall describe how the University will enforce the requirements of the Construction Management Plan. In particular, the plan must describe how the University intends to enforce and ensure that pedestrian and bicycle corridors will remain open and safe during construction periods.
b) Construction Management Contact Information: That each construction site will include visible signage listing a telephone number and a University representative available to answer questions and respond to concerns about pedestrian safety and security. A detail of the proposed sign, including number of signs and general locations, shall be submitted with each Site Development Permit application.
19. Pedestrian Management Plan: That in addition to the current Site Development Permit application requirements for the submission of a Pedestrian Management Plan, each application for a Site Development Permit for those projects approved by this Development Permit application shall include the following:
a) Pedestrian Safety: Detailed information on how the Pedestrian Management Plan will provide for the safe and continued use of bicycle and pedestrian corridors during construction.
b) Pedestrian Security: Detailed information on pedestrian security measures including the placement of security phones and lighting. The plan shall also include additional information on security for pedestrian bridges during evening hours.
20. Continued Validity: Continued validity and effectiveness of this approval is expressly conditioned on the continued compliance with the plans and conditions listed above.
21. Severability: If any of the above conditions is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, all other conditions shall remain valid and this approval shall remain intact.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council hereby approves the application for a Development Plan Modification No. 3 by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
This the day of , 2006.