Staff’s Revised Recommendation

(Approving the Special Use Permit Modification Application)




BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that it finds that the Special Use Permit Modification application proposed by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for the Chapel Hill Bible Church Park/Ride Terminal on property identified as Orange County Parcel Identification Number 9890-51-8534 if developed according to the site plans dated July 6, 2006, and the conditions listed below:


1.      Be located, designed, and proposed to be operated so as to maintain or promote the public health, safety, and general welfare;


2.      Comply with all required regulations and standards of the Land Use Management Ordinance;


3.      Be located, designed, and proposed to be operated so as to maintain or enhance the value of contiguous property; and  


4.      Would conform with the general plans for the physical development of the Town as embodied in the Land Use Management Ordinance and in the Comprehensive Plan.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Council hereby approves the application for a Special Use Permit Modification for the Chapel Hill Bible Church Park/Ride Terminal in accordance with the plans listed above and with the conditions listed below:


Stipulations Specific to the Development


1.      That construction begin by December 4, 2008 and be completed by December 4, 2011.


2.      Land Use Intensity: This Special Use Permit authorizes a Park/Ride Terminal for 241 parking spaces as an accessory use.  No new parking spaces are authorized.


3.      Relationship to October 12, 1998 Special Use Permit: This approval modifies the terms of the Chapel Hill Bible Church Special Use Permit approved by the Town Council on October 12, 1998. Except as specifically authorized or modified by this document, the terms and conditions of the October 12, 1998 Chapel Hill Bible Church Special Use Permit, as adopted by the Council, remain in effect.


4.      Park/Ride Terminal Expiration:  That this accessory use approval authorizes a Park/Ride Terminal to provide bus service to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and shall expire when that service has been discontinued for more than 30 days, or five (5) years from the initial date of operation, whichever comes first unless the permit holder requests an extension of the Special Use Permit expiration time limit from the Town Manager.  The Town Manager may grant additional extensions of the time limit for up to twenty-four (24) months each if he/she determines that:


  1. The permit holder submitted the request within sixty (60) days of the expiration date;
  2. The permit holder has proceeded with due diligence and good faith; and
  3. Conditions have not changed so substantially as to warrant Town Council reconsideration of the approved development


5.      Park/Ride Status Report:  That as part of the Semi-Annual Report prepared by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to the Town Council, the University shall include a report with information about the Park/Ride system including; a) status on the success of the park/ride lot, b) parking impacts on the surrounding residential neighborhood streets and mitigation actions implemented to address such impacts; and c) status of the parking lot monitoring program.


Stipulations Related to Transportation Issues


6.      Bicycle Parking:  That the development shall provide a minimum of 25 Class II bicycle parking spaces.  That the bicycle parking plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Manager, prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit.  This improvement shall be installed prior to use as a Park/Ride Terminal.


7.      Old Sterling Drive/Sage Road Intersection Improvements:  That prior to the use as a Park/Ride Terminal, the applicant shall provide a payment-in-lieu of $5,000.00 for the following improvements on Old Sterling Drive:


a.       Pavement markings on Old Sterling Drive at the Sage Road intersection to provide a left turn with approximately 100 feet of storage and a combination through and right turn lane.

b.      Striped bike lanes on both sides Old Sterling Drive between Sage Road and Eastowne Drive.

c.       Double yellow centerline striping on Old Sterling Drive between Sage Road and Eastowne Drive.


8.      Old Sterling Drive Bus Stop Shelters:  That prior to the use as a Park/Ride Terminal, the applicant shall provide a two standard-size bus shelters on Old Sterling Drive.  The location of the bus shelters shall be approximately 100 feet east of the intersection of Old Sterling Drive and the Chapel Hill Bible Church entrance drive and shall be located within the public right-of-way.  That the design and location of the bus shelters shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Manager prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit.  That, if necessary, the Church shall dedicate additional right-of-way to accommodate the bus shelters.   

9.      Old Sterling Drive Bus Pull-off:  That prior to the use as a Park/Ride Terminal, the applicant shall construct a bus pull-off on Old Sterling Drive. That the design and location of the bus pull-off shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Manager prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit.  That the Chapel Hill Bible Church shall dedicate additional right-of-way for the construction of the bus pull-off, if determined to be necessary by the Town Manager. 


10.  Sage Road Bus Stop Shelter:  That if the Park/Ride express bus includes a stop along Sage Road that prior to the new routing, the applicant shall provide a large bus shelter, within the right-of-way, at the end of the existing walkway from the Chapel Hill Bible Church.  That the design and location of the bus shelter shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Manager prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit.  That if necessary the Church shall dedicate additional right-of-way to accommodate the bus shelter.   


11.  Park/Ride Signage: That prior to use as a Park/Ride Terminal, the applicant shall provide and maintain signage clearly delineating the park/ride spaces and limits.  That, prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit, the applicant shall submit a signage plan for the park/ride spaces including signage details and locations.


12.  Right-of-way Dedication: That the Chapel Hill Bible Church shall dedicate additional right-of-way to the North Carolina Department of Transportation for the placement of traffic signal equipment associated with the installation of the traffic signal at the intersection of Sage Road and Erwin Road, if determined to be necessary by the Town Manager.


Stipulations Related to Landscaping and Architectural Issues


13.  Lighting Plan:  That prior to the issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit, the applicant shall submit site plans and other required documents to satisfy the lighting requirements of Section 5.11 including the submission of a lighting plan sealed by a Professional Engineer.


14.  Community Design Commission:  That the Community Design Commission approve a lighting plan for this project prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit, if the approved Zoning Compliance Permit requires changes to the existing lighting.


Stipulations Related to Miscellaneous Issues


15.  Detailed Plans: That final detailed site plans, including identification of handicapped parking spaces, and lighting plan, be approved by the Town Manager prior to issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit, and that such plans conform to the plans approved by this application and demonstrate compliance with all applicable conditions and the design standards of the Land Use Management Ordinance and the Design Manual.


16.  As-Built Plans: That as-built plans in DXF binary format using State plane coordinates, shall be provided for street improvements and all other existing or proposed impervious surfaces prior to use as a park/ride Terminal.


17.  Continued Validity: That continued validity and effectiveness of this approval is expressly conditioned on the continued compliance with the plans and conditions listed above.


18.  Non-severability: That if any of the above conditions is held to be invalid, approval in its entirety shall be void.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council hereby approves the application for the Special Use Permit Modification application for the Chapel Hill Bible Church Park/Ride Terminal in accordance with the plans and conditions listed above.


This the 4th day of December, 2006.