Proposed Revisions to the Comprehensive Plan Design Guidelines Duplex Provision


1.    The appearance of a new duplex structure shall be consistent, with respect to building materials, roof forms, and lot siting, to the neighborhood in which such structure is to be built. 


2.        The size, height, and form of a new duplex structure shall be comparable with other structures in the neighborhood in which such structure is to be built.


3.            For purposes of evaluating compliance with items 1 and 2 above, the “neighborhood” to be considered shall include the following:


a.       Structures immediately adjacent to  and across  from the subject property;

b.      Structures on the same street (both sides) as the subject property;  and

c.       Structures within 500 feet of the subject property.


4.            Garage doors, if facing the street, should not be the dominant feature of the structure.


5.            Entrances should clearly identify important access points.


6 5.  Entrances should provide an introductory statement for dwelling units in the duplex structure, and should be landscaped with plants complementary to the building’s architecture and style. Entrances should be defined by architectural styles and features. There should be a clear approach to each entrance. Landscaping should frame and accentuate the architectural styles and features of the entrances.


6.       All elevations of a building’s exterior design should be coordinated with regard to color, materials, architectural form and detailing.


7.          Lighting shall should be designed to provide illumination at for entrances and along walkways to entrances to each dwelling unit, without creating spillover onto adjacent properties.


8.            Landscape plantings and hardscape materials shall should be incorporated to clearly define parking areas and minimize the visual impact of front yard parking.