(Parks and Recreation Commission Recommendation)
(Approving Application)
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that it finds that the Fairway Hill Subdivision, proposed by H. E. Rayfield, Jr., on the property identified as Chapel Hill Township PIN 9798-67-4341, if developed according to the preliminary site plan dated March 8, 2006 and revised July 20, 2006, and the conditions listed below, would comply with the provisions of the Land Use Management Ordinance:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Council hereby approves the application for a Preliminary Plat for Fairway Hill Subdivision in accordance with the plans listed above and with the conditions listed below:
New Road Location: That the new subdivision roadway intersects Pinehurst Drive approximately at the location of the existing driveway and shall be located as generally shown on sheet 5 of 12 of the revised site plan dated November 8, 2006.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council hereby approves the application for a Preliminary Plat for the Fairway Hill Subdivision in accordance with the plans and conditions listed above.
This the 8th day of January, 2007.