Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


Bill Webster, Interim Director of Parks & Recreation 


Dedication of a Sewer Easement Adjacent to Cleland Road to the Orange Water and Sewer Authority




January 22, 2007




The attached resolution would authorize the Town Manager to execute a sewer easement on Town property, adjacent to Cleland Road that would allow the Orange Water and Sewer Authority (OWASA) to close the Cleland Road pump station and install a gravity sewer line. Please see the attached copy of OWASA’s request.




OWASA has a long-term goal of replacing pump stations and force main lines with gravity flow sewer lines. OWASA reports that eliminating pump stations reduces the risk of spills and maintenance costs.




OWASA is requesting a 30-foot wide construction easement and a 10-foot wide permanent sewer easement on the north side of Cleland Drive, east of Kendall Drive and west of Whitley Drive. We believe that the impact of the sewer line on Town property would be minimal.


In November 2006, a representative of the Oaks I Homeowners Association contacted the Town and requested that Duke Energy distribution lines be buried in conjunction with the sewer work. Because these lines are owned by different utility companies and use different easements, the work cannot be undertaken as a single project. We have responded to the communication and explained the process required to place the power lines underground, including actions that the Homeowners Association could take to initiate the process.




Manager’s Recommendation: That the Council adopt the following resolution authorizing the Manager to dedicate a sewer easement to OWASA as described in the attached proposal from OWASA.



  1. January 2, 2007 proposal from OWASA (p. 3)