Chapel Hill Town Hall

December 19, 2006


Meeting Summary


Artist Selection Committee Members Present: Bill Strom, Jim Ward, Bob Schreiner, Evelyn Daniel, Cory Brooks, Janet Kagan, Haig Khachatoorian, Bruce Heflin, Mark Bayles, Kate Flory



Flory welcomed the group and thanked them again for their participation on the Artist Selection Committee for the Public Library Expansion Project.  She explained that the goal of the meeting is to interview the three finalists (Beth Galston, Janet Echelman, and UrbanRock) and to select an artist/artist team for the Library Expansion/Pritchard Park Art Garden project.


The committee reviewed the project background and the selection criteria.


Echelman Interview

Flory introduced Janet Echelman and asked the members of the committee to introduce themselves.


Echelman talked about her previous work and about her approach to a project such as this.  The Selection Committee then asked questions.  Following the interviews, the group spent a short time discussing their observations about Echelman’s work and working style. 


Galston Interview

Flory introduced Beth Galston and asked the members of the committee to introduce themselves.


Galston talked about her previous work and about her approach to a project such as this.  The Selection Committee then asked questions.  Following the interviews, the group spent a short time discussing their observations about Galston’s work and working style. 


Urban Rock Interview

Flory introduced Jeanine Centuori and Russell Rock (UrbanRock Design team) and asked the members of the committee to introduce themselves.


Centuori and Rock talked about their previous work and about their approach to a project such as this.  The Selection Committee then asked questions. Following the interviews, the group spent a short time discussing their observations about UrbanRock’s work and working style. 



The Committee spent the remainder of the meeting discussing the artists, their previous experience, their working styles, and their fit with this project.  A series of votes were taken throughout the meeting in order to gauge the group’s preferences. 


After great discussion the committee ultimately selected Janet Echelman as the public artist for the Library Expansion/Pritchard Park Art Garden project.


Flory thanked the committee members and noted that this recommendation would first go to the Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission and then to the Chapel Hill Town Council for final approval.


The meeting was adjourned.