
Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager




J. B. Culpepper, Planning Director


Gene Poveromo, Development Coordinator




Requests for Town Council Concept Plan Review




January 22, 2007





The Town has received three requests for Town Council review of concept plans that do not meet the Land Use Management Ordinance threshold for Concept Plan Review by the Town Council.


Authorization of the attached resolution would authorize Town Council review of three concept plans.




The Town has received three concept plan applications that do not meet thresholds requiring Town Council review. However all three applicants are requesting Town Council review of their concept plan. The three concept plan applications are:



Town Council is required to review concept plans following Community Design Commission review when a concept plan meets the following thresholds:




TC-1, TC-2 Zoning Districts

All Other Zoning Districts

Land Area

15,000 square feet

5 acres

Floor Area

20,000 square feet

100,000 square feet

Dwelling Units

35 dwelling units

50 dwelling units


The Land Use Management Ordinance allows a proposal that does not meet the thresholds listed above to request review by the Town Council. The Town Council may determine to review the application or it may decline to review the application.




We recommend that the Town Council adopt the attached resolution authorizing concept plan review of the three proposals. Based on the current schedule, we believe the likely review dates would be:


  • Sanctuary at Cobblestone Ridge
  • Gateway Bank and Trust
  • 1609 East Franklin Street

February 19, 2007 Public Hearing

March 19, 2007 Public Hearing

March 19, 2007 Public Hearing