Town of Chapel Hill
405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Chapel Hill, NC  27514                                               

phone (919) 968-2728    fax (919) 969-2014



Town Council


Chapel Hill Northside Public Forum


November 6, 2006



Northside Pedestrian Mobility Plan Draft Review


Citizen Comments:


Comments included:

  • Citizens were split evenly on wanting sidewalks on Graham Street or not
  • If sidewalks are not constructed then at least put in speed tables or some type of traffic calming measure
  • Loitering is perceived as a problem that will increase with construction of sidewalks with an opposing opinion offered as well- with the construction of sidewalks activity will increase and loitering will decrease
  • That the draft plan is a Mobility Plan and not a Security Plan
  • If a sidewalk is added to Graham Street some residents will not have any strip of grass or yard remaining


Prepared by:

David Bonk, Staff