2006 Million Solar Roofs Grant Proposal




Submitted May 31, 2006

The following list contains the Town of Chapel Hill’s grant projects to be completed as a subcontractor to NC State University for the 2006 Million Solar Roofs grant. The Chapel Hill Solar Roofs Committee will implement the projects with support from Town staff. Activities will take place between October 1, 2005 and December 31, 2006.


Description of Tasks



Task 1: Organize “Meetups” workshops in the Chapel Hill area. Discussion topics will be chosen by the Committee during the planning stages (typically Summer of 2006). The Committee will continue to organize regularly scheduled informal meetings at coffee shops, Town facilities,  and other areas that are publicly accessible in Chapel Hill. These events make installers, architects and other experts available to discuss technical issues with anyone interested.


The Town will contract with Students Unites for a Responsible Global Environment (SURGE), a Carrboro nonprofit organization, to help organize the meetups. The tasks to be performed by SURGE will include booking locations, confirming speakers, doing publicity, and executing the events along with the support of the committee.


Deliverables:   Copies of flyers, press releases, or other materials related to three solar meetups.


Task 2: Continue to gather and enter inventory of solar energy systems in Orange County.  The inventory will identify additional existing solar energy systems in Orange County, starting with Chapel Hill. The Town will contract with SURGE to complete the task.  All systems will be entered into the NC Renewable Energy Registry.


Deliverables:   List of all systems entered into NC Renewable Energy Registry.


Task 3: Conduct Chapel Hill Area Solar & Green Homes Tour. The Committee will work with the NC Sustainable Energy Association to identify suitable solar homes, develop informational packets describing the solar features, and handle planning, registration and volunteer the day of the event. The Town will contract with SURGE to provide support at tour sites and help with organizational tasks as needed.


Deliverables:  Copies of information packet, registration materials, list of attendees.



2006 Million Solar Roofs Grant Proposal


Fee Schedule


Submitted May 31, 2006



1.  Organize “Meetups” workshops in Chapel Hill area


2.  Inventory of solar energy systems in Orange County


3.  Chapel Hill Area Solar & Green Homes Tour






