New                12. Town Buildings, Property Review


Description: Undertake review of Town owned property to consider the future uses for the Old Post Office, Old Library and Old Town Hall to meet future needs for Town facilities and services.


February 13, 2006 Status: New Goal.


May 8, 2006 Status: The Council reviewed a report on April 6, 2006 in response to a lease extension request from the Chapel Hill Museum and decided to extend the lease.   At the same time the Council reviewed the re-issued report on use of Town buildings originally presented April 27, 2005.


September 11, 2006 Status: We are currently refining the scope of work for the request for proposals on this work. We anticipate proposals in mid-September from consulting firms to conduct a space needs and allocation study.  We will report to the Council in the fall on the progress of the work.


November 6, 2006 Status: We plan to hire an engineering consulting firm to analyze the facilities space needs of the Town for the next 20 years. This work would be done in conjunction with the Facilities Condition Assessment also scheduled for FY 2006-07.  We have received statements of qualifications and have completed interviews with four candidate firms.  We expect to conclude contract negotiations with the recommended firm during November 2006.  We anticipate the study can be completed by the end of FY 2006-07.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable


February 12, 2007 Status: Public Works has concluded negotiations and entered into a contract with AME, Inc. to conduct a comprehensive facilities assessment survey of all major Town facilities (excluding the new Town Operations Center and the Library).  AME is fully underway with the survey and will soon be preparing reports on their findings.


Concurrently, Public Works has also engaged the firm of Heery International to conduct a Space Needs Study for all Town operations.  As described above, the Space Needs Study will evaluate immediate and long-term space needs and opportunities for all operations and programs of the Town.  A “kick-off” meeting is scheduled and departmental interviews and data collection will be occurring during the coming weeks.  The facilities condition survey will also inform Heery’s final report.