Continued      37. Potential Mitigation of Traffic Congestion in U.S. 15-501 Corridor


Description: Examine potential traffic congestion mitigation beyond the “superstreet” concept for the U.S. 15-501 Corridor from Manning Drive to I-40 corridor; especially consider expansion of Chapel Hill Transit operations and configurations.


For prior reports refer to past Quarterly Reports on Council Goals.


February 28, 2005: Report to be submitted in Second Quarter, 2005.


May 9, 2005 Status: Due to anticipated limited funding through the State Transportation Improvement Program (see related agenda item on tonight’s agenda), and the anticipated allocations of Direct Allocation funds over the next several years, we believe it is unlikely that funding could be obtained for this project.


September 12, 2005 Status: Funding for this project was not included in the 2006 State Transportation Improvement Program or regional planning work programs.  Staff will work with regional and State staff to propose funding in the 2007 State Transportation Improvement Program.


November 21, 2005 Status: No change in status.


February 13, 2006 Status: No change in status.


May 8, 2006 Status: The draft 2007 TIP is scheduled to be released over the summer.


September 11, 2006 Status: No change in status.


November 6, 2006 Status: No change in status.


Products to Be Produced and Timetable


February 12, 2007 Status: No change in status.