Roger L. Stancil, Town Manger




J. B. Culpepper, Planning Director


Gene Poveromo, Development Coordinator




Concept Plan:  Lowes Home Center – Outdoor Display Expansion




February 19, 2007





Attached is a proposal for Concept Plan review for expansion of the outdoor merchandise display area at the Lowes Home Center. The Council has the opportunity tonight to hear this applicant’s presentation, receive a set of comments from the Community Design Commission, hear public comments, and offer suggestions to the applicant for consideration as further plans are drawn. At the conclusion of the evening’s discussion, we recommend that the Council adopt a resolution (attached) transmitting comments to the applicant.




The proposed expansion is to be located on the east side of the Lowes Home Center building in an area that currently includes 91 parking spaces.  In addition to the outdoor storage of seasonal merchandise, the Concept Plan proposal includes parking, a tractor trailer for storing pine bales, a customer pick-up area, and a holding area for cardboard and recycled appliances. The proposal includes 22 new parking spaces along the west and north sides of the building. The 18.8 acre site is located in the Community Commercial-Conditional (CC-C), Community Commercial (CC), Residential-4, (R-4) zoning districts, and the Resource Conservation District (RCD).


The Land Use Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Plan, identifies the site as Commercial. The property is located in Orange County, and is identified as Parcel Identifier Number 9799-69-3408.


Tonight’s Concept Plan was reviewed by the Community Design Commission on October 25, 2006. A copy of the Commission’s comments is attached to this memorandum (Attachment 1). Review of the Concept Plan submitted is conducted by the Community Design Commission and, in some instances, the Town Council.




The Town Council and Community Design Commission, in examining development applications, are to consider the various aspects of design, with special emphasis on whether the proposed development is consistent with the Town’s Design Guidelines, and with the Goals and Objectives of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. 


The Concept Plan review process does not involve staff evaluation of the proposal. Review of the Concept Plan submitted is conducted by the Community Design Commission and, in some instances, the Town Council.




We recommend that the Council review this Concept Plan, receive comments from citizens, and adopt a resolution transmitting comments to the applicant.



  1. October 25, 2006 Community Design Commission Concept Plan Summary Comments (p. 4).
  2. Citizen Letter (p. 6).
  3. Area Map (p. 7).
  4. Concept Plan application materials (p. 8).