Chapel Hill Town Council
2007 Legislative Issues for Discussion
with Local Senators and Representatives
7:30 a.m., February 19, 2007
Local Issues
- Authority to require private developers to contribute to
public art or provide art as part of new development projects.
- Campaign and election law changes, including authority for
local publicly financed campaigns.
- Authority to require private development to meet energy
conservation standards as part of construction.
- Authority to provide incentives to encourage energy
efficiency and conservation in new development.
- Authority to enact a local real estate transfer tax,
perhaps earmarked for specific public uses, such as
transportation improvements or open space preservation.
- Reconsideration of a local bill to authorize an additional
tax on utility bills to provide funding to put overhead power
distribution lines underground.
- Authorization of a $1.00 per-ticket fee on tickets priced
at $30 or higher for events at large venues, with the revenue
being earmarked for public transportation and public safety
Statewide Issues
- Oppose any proposed Constitutional amendment defining
marriage as only the union of one man and one woman.
- Support the repeal of the North Carolina Defense of
Marriage Act.
- Include sexual orientation as a category under North
Carolina hate crimes law.
- Support the repeal of N.C.G.S. 95-98 and replace it with a
law that would establish collective bargaining rights for
public employees.
- Support the League of Municipalities’ position regarding
protecting State’s current annexation law.
- Support an adjustment to the law enforcement supplemental
retirement program to provide that each agency where a retiree
worked shall contribute a pro rata portion of the retirement
- A proposal to authorize local governments to provide
incentives (grants or rebates) to private property owners
installing renewable energy producing systems in existing as
well as new development.
- Support adjustments to increase the scope of the homestead
tax exemption.
- Support State funding of the State Highway Patrol 800MHz
trunked radio system known as VIPER (Voice Interoperability
Project for Emergency Responders).
- Support for additional revenue options for local
governments, including:
- Gas tax.
- Vehicle registration fee.
- One-half cent sales tax.
- Support for additional funding for:
- Mental health treatment programs
- Technology to enhance emergency services
communication and communication between the
justice system and public safety personnel
- Pre-kindergarten educational programs
- Gang awareness and interdiction programs
- Fire protection services provided to state
- Support enactment of legislation to promote waste
reduction, including the recycling of beverage containers and a
beverage container deposit act.
- Oppose proposed legislation that would allow cutting of
trees along highway right of way to enhance visibility of
outdoor advertising signs.