Preparation of
Development Regulations and Standards
For the
Proposed Carolina North Campus

Town of Chapel Hill,
North Carolina

May 21, 2007
(Reissued due to inadequate response)

Bid A/E 07-012

Submission Deadline:    Friday, June 8, 2007, 4:00 P.M. EDST


The Town of Chapel Hill is seeking professional services from a qualified and experienced consultant to provide assistance with negotiations between the Town and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to establish development regulations for the University’s Horace Williams property, including but not limited to zoning requirements, building standards and development agreement(s).


The Town of Chapel Hill seeks to create development regulations negotiated jointly between the Town and the University. The Horace Williams Citizens’ Committee Report, the Town’s Land Use Management Ordinance and the principles of the Leadership Advisory Committee Report will inform this process.

The Town values public participation and will seek opportunities for enhancing public input as a key part of this process.

The regulations and standards for development of the Horace Williams Property should: 1) incorporate state-of-the-art design standards; 2) reflect a shared commitment to development of a sustainable campus; 3) identify means and measures necessary to achieve identified carbon reduction and energy efficiency goals; 4) provide for transit oriented development; 5) reflect a commitment to sound environmental principles including preservation of open space, natural areas and environmentally sensitive areas; and  6) include provisions for parks and recreation,  housing, adequate schools, and neighborhood protection.

Scope of Work:

The consulting firm will outline a process for and facilitate preparation of a regulatory program for development of the University’s Horace Williams Property including applicable development regulations, zoning requirements, building standards and development agreements that are acceptable to the Town and to the University.

The Consultant’s work will be based on information and guidance available from, but not limited to, the Horace Williams Citizens Committee Report (Link:, the Leadership Advisory Committee Report (Link:, the Town’s Land Use Management Ordinance (available at, and applicable provisions of North Carolina law. 

Respondents will be expected to identify additional opportunities for community involvement and to assimilate such involvement into the process. 

The consulting firm should identify experts that will be available as necessary during the negotiation process to assist the Town and the University with the development of feasible and effective regulations and standards for the issues identified in the Goals section above and for more specific issues such as managing noise and light impacts on surrounding areas,


A project starting date of September 4, 2007, is desired, but negotiable, with completion of contract services within six months following Notice to Proceed.

Selected Firm:

The selected firm shall have demonstrated experience with similar work in similar communities, including the public participation process and negotiations. Similar communities are those whose boundaries include a large public entity over whom the community has limited regulatory authority   but one in which both entities share an interest in a defined process to address the development interests of the community.  Examples include communities with universities, military installations, and large state agencies).

RFQ Submittal:

The submittal must clearly address all requirements outlined in the RFQ.  Any concerns that the applicant firm may have about meeting these requirements shall be specifically identified in the submittal.  The consultant’s work must comply with all applicable Local, State and Federal laws and requirements. 

Firms interested in submitting qualification materials for this project should provide ten (10) sets of the submittal materials to the Town for consideration.  The materials should clearly address the criteria listed above and should also include the following: 

  1. Submitting firm information:   A profile of the firm or firms submitting the proposal, including all contact information.
  2. Personnel information:   Names of principals, key persons, or associates who would be involved in the project and their qualifications.
  3. Project resume:   A list of all similar projects completed by the firm in the last five years, including personnel involved in previous projects that would also be involved in this project.  The list shall include the following:
    1. Contact person information for previous projects (address, phone number, and e-mail address); and
    2. A description of how each previous project is similar in scope and scale to this project.
  4. Consultant Information:   A list of all consultants that will be a part of the submitting firm’s project team. That list should include contact information for each consultant (name, address, phone number, and e-mail address) and a list of all similar projects where the consultant has provided services similar to those that would be provided for this project.
  5. Methodology:  A description of the methodologies proposed for the project and relevant experience in the use of those methodologies.
  6. Proprietary information:   Any restrictions on the use of the data included in the submittal materials must be clearly stated.

Qualification materials must be submitted in hard copy by mail or in person.  Regardless of the method of delivery, the Town assumes no responsibility for receipt of submittal materials and submitting firms should verify with the Town that materials have been received prior to the deadline. Applicants should submit materials to the following address on or before Friday, June 8, 2007 at 4:00 P.M. EDST:

Town of Chapel Hill Finance Department
Attn:  CoCo Hall, Purchasing and Contracts Manager
405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514-5705

With the following clearly marked on the outside of the package(s) of materials:

RFQ – Carolina North Consulting Services


If there are any questions concerning this RFQ, you should first review the questions and answers available at Unanswered questions should be submitted via

Standard Terms and Conditions of Request for Qualifications:
  1. The Town of Chapel Hill reserves the right to reject any and all submittals, to consider alternatives, to waive irregularities and to re-solicit Requests for Qualifications.
  2. All submittals must be valid for a minimum period of ninety (90) days after the closing date for receipt by the Town.
  3. The Town of Chapel Hill reserves the right to select the most responsible and responsive submittal in the best interests of the Town.
  4. The Town of Chapel Hill makes no guarantees to any firm until such time that the Town negotiates and approves a contract.
  5. All submittal materials become the property of the Town of Chapel Hill and may be returned at the Town’s option. 
  6. There is no expressed or implied obligation for the Town to reimburse responding firms for any expense incurred in preparing submittal materials. 
  7. Submittal of qualifications indicates acceptance by the responding firm of the terms, conditions, and requirements described in the RFQ unless clearly and specifically noted otherwise in the submission.
  8. The contents of submittal materials from the selected firm will become contractual obligations if a subsequent agreement is reached.  Failure of the selected firm to accept these obligations may result in cancellation of the award. 
  9. This RFQ provides prospective firms with sufficient information to prepare and submit fully responsive materials for consideration by the Town of Chapel Hill.
  10. This RFQ contains the clear requirements governing necessary submittal materials to be fully responsive and eligible for consideration by the Town.
Evaluation and Selection:

The Town of Chapel Hill has established procedures to be followed in selecting professional consultants.  Procedures, as established, are for the purpose of ensuring the consultants are selected in a fair and uniform manner, that those selected for work are qualified and experienced.

Submittals must satisfy all requirements of the RFQ and must clearly demonstrate the firm’s qualifications and resources necessary to provide the required services in a thorough and efficient manner.

Upon receipt of submittal materials, the Town will select the firm(s) it wishes to interview for further consideration.  All submitting firms will be notified of the Town’s decision. The Town will select a consultant firm based on the following criteria.

  1. The experience that the firm, the firm’s staff, and the firm’s consultants have with similar projects;
  2. The current workload of the firm and evidence of adequate staff to successfully complete the project on schedule; and
  3. The firm’s demonstrated track record in completing projects on time and within budget.

Contract negotiations will proceed with the firm that the Town believes is best qualified to provide the necessary services. If a contract cannot be successfully negotiated, the negotiations will be terminated in writing and negotiations will begin with the next best qualified firm. All applicants will be notified of the final selection after a contract has been executed. 


The consultant shall commence work under this contract within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of written Notice to Proceed from the Town, and shall complete the all contract work within 6 months.

The consultant is not to begin work on the project prior to entering into a contract with the Town of Chapel Hill.