TO: |
Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager |
J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director Loryn Clark, Housing and Neighborhood Services Coordinator |
Acceptance of Grant to Sponsor Project Homeless Connect |
June 11, 2007 |
The purpose of this memorandum is to inform the Council of an opportunity to sponsor an event to benefit the homeless population in Orange County.
The attached resolution and budget ordinance would authorize the acceptance of a grant in the amount of $3,500 from the Triangle United Way to implement Project Homeless Connect.
On January 24, 2005, the Council adopted a resolution to support the establishment of the Partnership to End Homelessness in Orange County. The Partnership was developed to design and implement a 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness in Orange County. Membership includes Chapel Hill, Orange County, Carrboro, Hillsborough, Triangle United Way, the Inter-Faith Council, Orange Congregations in Mission, OPC Area Program, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce.
In October 2005, Orange County, on behalf of the Partnership, entered into a consultant agreement with J-Quad and Associates, LLC to develop a Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness in Orange County. On March 14, 2007, the Partnership Steering Committee that includes Mayor Kevin Foy and Council Member Sally Greene unanimously adopted the 10-Year Plan.
On May 7, 2007, the Council adopted a resolution that endorsed the Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness in Orange County. The resolution also appointed Council Member Greene to serve as the Council’s representative to the Executive Team that would be responsible for oversight of the implementation of the Plan.
The Orange County Partnership was notified of a Request for Proposals issued by the Triangle United Way to implement a Project Homeless Connect event. As stated in the Request for Proposals:
“Project Homeless Connect integrates lessons learned from one-stop service centers that provided community support for Katrina evacuees seeking stabilization services in communities across the country. Similar one-day efforts of the Veterans Administration’s Homeless Stand Downs also offered lessons that have made Project Homeless Connect a nationally identified best practice in helping the homeless.
Project Homeless Connect is a one-day one-stop center designed to link homeless people with a broad range of needed services, including but not limited to housing, employment and health care. Project Homeless Connect is not an information fair, but instead engages homeless people directly into services. Project Homeless Connect provides unique opportunities for community volunteers to be directly involved in helping individuals and families make significant steps towards ending their homelessness. PHC also facilitates improved collaboration between community service agencies.”
In a letter dated May 31, 2007, the Town was notified of the grant award of $3,500 from the Triangle United Way. The event will be held on Thursday, October 25, 2007 at the Hargraves Center. Wake and Durham Counties were also awarded funds and will hold similar events in their respective Counties on the same day.
The goal of Project Homeless Connect is to provide easy access to services that support the transition of the County’s homeless off the streets and into housing. We envision that we would provide individual assistance to participants in a variety of areas including medical, mental health, substance abuse, housing, dental, benefits (i.e. Veterans assistance, social security), legal, help with obtaining official identification cards, food, clothing, wheelchair repair and more. We would also propose to provide internet access and assistance with contacting family members and friends.
As the applicant for the grant, the Town would serve as the lead entity for organizing this event in Orange County. The Housing and Neighborhood Services staff of the Planning Department would lead a committee that would include service and housing providers, interested citizens, volunteers, and the Work Group of the Partnership to End Homelessness. We will also coordinate efforts with representatives from the Wake and Durham County planning committees.
That the Council adopt the attached resolution and enact the budget ordinance authorizing the acceptance of the $3,500 grant award.