
Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director

David Bonk, Long Range Planning and Transportation Coordinator


Response to Council Petition: NC/54 Corridor Study


June 11, 2007


The purpose of this memo is to respond to the March 26, 2007, petition by a Council member to begin the process for a special corridor study for the NC/54 Corridor.  This study would focus on the portion of NC/54 west of the Interstate 40 interchange, and into Chapel Hill.


At the March 26, 2007, Council meeting, a Council member requested to begin the process for a special NC/54 Corridor Study.  The study would address roadway capacity and development issues along the corridor.  The study area would primarily be focused on Durham County, from the interchange at I-40 in Durham County, west into Chapel Hill.  The Council member has also indicated that the possibility of such a study has been reviewed by the Durham City/County Planning Director. 


We agree with the need for a study of the NC/54 Corridor, given current roadway capacity and transit service issues and development pressures.  While much of the potential study area is located in Durham County, Chapel Hill has significant interest in transportation and development issues along the corridor.  NC/54 is the major eastern approach to Chapel Hill and is important to the town’s regional connectivity.

The NC/54 corridor also holds regional and local significance for transit service.  The adopted U.S. 15-501 fixed guideway corridor contains several station areas in close proximity to NC/54, including stops in Chapel Hill at Meadowmont, at the Friday Center, and in Durham east of Chapel Hill.  The Town of Chapel Hill and the UNC-Chapel Hill have also made significant investments in park and ride facilities along NC/54, to serve commuters entering Chapel Hill from the east.

Mixed use and higher intensity development is necessary to continue to support both local and regional transit service in the NC/54 corridor.  The Town has based its socio-economic projections for the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan on the principle of implementing transit oriented districts along several corridors, including the NC/54 Corridor.  The recent approval of the 54 East project supports the development of a transit corridor along NC/54.

next steps

In order to proceed with a NC/54 Corridor Study, we believe that the first step will be to determine the western boundary of the study area and identify the scope of work for the project.  The extent to which the study area extends into Chapel Hill will determine in part Chapel Hill’s level of participation.

We recommend that staff refer this petition to the Durham City/County Planning Department and the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization for consideration and response. We believe any study would be carried out by the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization. If a study is supported by the Metropolitan Planning Organization, staff will provide the Council with a follow-up report outlining the scope and costs to the Town.