1. Minutes for March 19, 26, and 28 and April 17, 2007.
  2. Nominations to various Boards and Committees (R-2).
  3. Year End Budget Amendment for 2006-07 (O-1a, b).
  4. Resolution calling a Public Hearing on a Request to Close a Section of Allard Road Right-of-Way (R-3).
  5. Approval of Changes to On-Street Parking Regulations on New Stateside Drive (O-2).
  6. Annual Public Art Plan.
    1. Chapel Hill Public Arts Commission Report and Recommendations on 2007-2008 Annual Public Art Plan
    2. Recommended 2007-08 Public Art Plan (R-4).
  7. Resolution Authorizing the Manager to Execute Contracts for Public Art for the Downtown Economic Development Initiative (R-5).
  8. Request for Expedited Processing of a Special Use Permit Modification Application for the Chapel Hill Public Library (R-6).
  9. Requested Modifications to the Affordable Housing Fund Guidelines (R-7).
  10. Resolution for the Provisions of Striped Bicycle Lanes on NC 86/Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Corridor (R-8).
  11. Resolution calling a Public Hearing to amend the Land Use Management Ordinance to enact an Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance (R-9).
  12. Budget Amendment for the Active Living by Design Grant (O-3).
  13. Resolution Authorizing Funding for Downtown Streetscape Master Plan and Lighting Plan Revisions (R-10).
  14. Award of Bid for Resurfacing (R-11).
  15. Authorization to submit the 2006-07 Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) Management Operations Certification (R-12).
  16. Resolution authorizing Contracts with the University of North Carolina and the Town of Carrboro for Provision of Public Transportation Services (R-13).
  17. Amendment to Project Ordinance for a 2006 Transportation Capital Grant (O-4).
  18. Project Ordinance 2007-08 Community Development Entitlement Program (O-5a, b).
  19. 2007-2008 Human Services Performance Agreements (R-14).
  20. Ordinances Establishing a Position Classification and Pay Plan Effective July 1, 2007 and October 1, 2007 (O-6) (O-7).


This the 27th day of June, 2007.