Town of Chapel Hill
405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Chapel Hill, NC  27514                                               

phone (919) 968-2743    fax (919) 969-2063



Mayor and Town Council


Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


June 22, 2007


Football Saturday collaboration


Your June 11 meeting included a consent agenda item sharing our discussions with the University Athletics staff about improving Football Saturdays for the fans, the University and the Town. We recommended allowing parking on one side of Raleigh Road and proposed an ordinance to accomplish that objective.  Council asked that this item be scheduled as a main agenda item for the June 27 meeting so the public would be aware of the proposed change.  As you can see from the attached email from Rick Steinbacher of the University Athletics staff, we were a little premature in requesting Council action.  This is not an option the University wishes to pursue.


This item no longer includes the proposed parking ordinance and we are not recommending that option.  With your concurrence, we will proceed with the other collaborative actions to enhance Football Saturday.


Town staff and University staff have developed an excellent working relationship in this endeavor and we will continue to work together to enhance these events for everyone.