Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director

David C. Bonk, Long Range and Transportation Planning Coordinator


Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Urban Area Long Range Transportation Plan Draft 2035 Goals and Objective


September 10, 2007


This memorandum summarizes the process for developing goals and objectives for the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Urban Area 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan. The attached resolution would provide the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Transportation Advisory Committee with Council comments on the Draft Goals and Objectives..




The Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Urban Area has begun the process of revising the adopted 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan. Part of that process is the adoption of goals and objectives that will guide the development of the 2035 Plan. The Transportation Advisory Committee has scheduled two public workshops to gather public comment on the draft Goals and Objectives. The Chapel Hill workshop was held on August 30, 2007 and the Durham workshop on September 4, 2007.




The draft 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Goals and Objectives (Attachment 1) are the same goals and objectives used in the development of the adopted 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan. The goals and objectives are largely based on federal requirements to address specific subjects, such as public involvement and a reflection of the priorities of the Transportation Advisory Committee. The adopted 2030 Goals and Objectives, which have been used as the basic for developing the 2035 Goals and Objectives,  include seven specific goals, each of which have associated objectives. As a result of recent changes in federal regulations and review of the adopted 2030 Long Range Plan by federal agencies, the Metropolitan Planning Organization has proposed the inclusion of two additional goals, Goal 8 Safety and Security and Goal 9 Freight. (Attachment 2)


We have reviewed the draft Goals and Objectives and suggest the follow modifications.


We believe that Goal 6, Protection of Natural Environment should include a more specific objective associated with ongoing efforts to reduce greenhouse gas and carbon production. Both Durham County and Orange County are currently engaged in the development of greenhouse gas reduction plans. Transportation related greenhouse gas production has been identified as a major component of both draft plans. Chapel Hill and the University of North Carolina have pledged to reduce carbon production and transportation issues are expected to be a major consideration in that effort.


We recommend that the following objective be added to goal 6, Protection of Natural Environment and Social Systems.



We also believe that recognition of efforts to promote sustainability should be included where appropriate in the goals and objectives. We suggest inserting “sustainable” into goal 1, Overall Transportation System. The revised goal would provide for:



We believe that with these revisions the draft goals and objectives should be used in the development of the 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan. We also agree with the proposed inclusion of the Safety and Security and Freight goals should be included.




Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board: The Board endorsed the draft 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Goals and Objectives. (Attachment 3)


Transportation Board: The Transportation Board voted 6-0 to recommend endorsement of the draft 2035 Goals and Objectives. (Attachment 4)


Planning Board: The Planning Board was unable to review the draft Goals and Objectives as anticipated. Members of the Board were encouraged to provide the Council with individual comments at the September 10, 2007 Council meeting.




We recommend that the Council endorse the draft 2035 Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Goals and Objectives with revisions.


The following objective should be added to goal 6, Protection of Natural Environment and Social Systems.


Goal 1, Overall Transportation System should be amended as follows: 





  1. Draft 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Goals and Objectives (p. 5).
  2. Proposed Additional Goals 8 and 9 (p. 9).
  3. Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board Recommendation (p. 10).
  4. Transportation Board Recommendation (p. 11).