JANUARY 24, 2007, 7:00 P.M.


Chairperson Jonathan Whitney called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Commissions attending the meeting were Mary Margaret Carroll, George Cianciolo, Chris Culbreth, Gretchen MacNair, Laura King Moore, Amy Ryan, Jonathan Whitney, Chair, and Robin Whitsell. Staff members present were Senior Planner Kay Pearlstein and Planning Technician Kay Tapp.



   The Town has received a request for a Concept Plan Review which proposes to construct a multi-family development including 26 dwelling units including 50,000 square feet of floor area on approximately 3.5 acres. A pool, clubhouse, and playground are also proposed. Vehicular access is proposed from Legion Road via a private street. Demolition of two existing dwellings is proposed. The site is located on the south side of Legion Road between the American Legion Post #6 and Turnberry Condominiums (see area map on back). The site is located in the Residential-4 (R-4) and Residential-2 (R-2) zoning districts and in the Resource Conservation District (RCD). The site is identified as Orange County Parcel Identifier Numbers 9799-46-5105 and 9799-45-6975.


The Concept Plan presentation for the project showed the proposed layout design for the development. The applicant explained that the proposal was for single family houses to be owner occupied with Common Area and no private yard areas. 



  1. Timothy Kuhn was concerned about where cars were to be parked along a one-way road. He felt that 20 homes were more suitable on the site than the proposed 26 dwellings.
  2. Virginia Gray, a neighbor from The Meadows, was concerned about flooding. She had severe environmental concerns with the development. She stated that the other side of Legion Road had directed stormwater management but that was not the case on the south side of the road where the project was proposed, she was worried that the project would affect downstream neighbors. She also noted that at one time the American Legion Post property was identified as a school site and wanted to know how a school would impact the property and traffic.
  3. Bruce Turner, a neighbor, read from a hand-out presented at the meeting with a list of 13 concerns (attached).
  4. Scott Baker liked the smaller homes. He had a concerns about houses proposed on the other side of the Resource Conservation District adjacent to The Meadows. He felt that houses were jammed up against the property line and that removal of the trees in that area would remove privacy and environmental protection.
  5.  The president of the Turnberry Condominiums Homeowners Association had concerns early on in the process but is now supportive. He reported that the applicant met and worked with the Turnberry neighborhood and their concerns were now addressed by the application. They were supportive of the project.



  1. Commissioner Chris Culbreth believed that the development is a good use for the site. He recommended that the applicant work with The Meadows neighbors as he worked with the Turnberry Condominiums neighbors.

    He recommended that the applicant consider 1-level houses or houses with first floor master bedrooms to address an aging population housing needs. He noted that The Meadows has 2-car garages, and suggested that the applicant consider that some of the houses include larger garages.

  2. Commissioner Cianciolo stated the proposed street must meet Town standards, even if it is private. He wanted to see sidewalks along the streets. He pointed out that the proposed central corridor walkway will not work unless sidewalks are provided in front of the residences as well. He recommended sidewalk connectivity.

    He also stated that the Tree Ordinance was currently proposing to be strengthened and could restrict trees being removed within the RCD. He also did not believe this was still considered for a school site.

  3. Commissioner Laura King Moore supported the smaller sized homes and pointed out that there was a scarcity in Chapel Hill. She was concerned about the 1-way street and thought that it was too long in length for a 1-way street. She felt that parking in driveways would overflow onto the street and that cars would have difficulty on a 1-way street. She is looking forward to the project and supported it overall.


  4. Commissioner Amy Ryan liked the smaller houses being proposed. She believed that the design was too schematic and needed more design elements. She was concerned about the buffers with the adjacent neighborhoods and that the project was too dense. She suggested that the homes be clustered more densely at the road and leave more of the land in the back near the RCD undisturbed.

    She suggested that the road cross the RCD once at most, not twice as proposed. She also did not support a 12-foot road. She did support the smaller houses being proposed.

  5. Commissioner Mary Margaret Carroll also did not support the 1-way road and felt that there could be backing up into Legion Road. She wanted to see how the development will be lit and how signage will work.


  6. Commissioner Robin Whitsell was concerned about parking and setbacks. She supported single family homes instead of duplexes and supported street sidewalks.

    She was concerned about the setbacks form adjacent properties but looked forward to the project’s return. She recommended that the applicant continue working with the neighbors concerns.

  7. Commissioner Jonathan Whitney wanted to see cross-sections through the site, and tree canopies located on the plans.



The Commission supported to smaller-sized homes being proposed. They supported sidewalks along the street and wider streets to allow for overflow parking. The traffic circulation throughout the site was a general concern, especially crossing the RCD with a road twice. They were also concerned about buffering adjacent neighbors, tree removal, and sensitive preservation of the Resource Conservation District.



                        Prepared for:    Jonathan Whitney, Chair

                        Prepared by:     Kay Pearlstein, Staff