Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


Valerie Meicher, Human Resource Development Director


Recommended Full Time Equivalent Increase for Library Supervisor


October 8, 2007



The purpose of this memorandum is to recommend that one grade 39 Library Supervisor position be increased from part-time (30 hr. per week) to full-time (37.5 hrs. per week).  Enactment of the attached ordinance would revise the Town Position Classification and Pay Plan to implement this change effective October 8, 2007. 




Increase FTE Proposed:  Change one regular part-time Library Supervisor to one full-time Library Supervisor at 37.5 hours per week. 


Library Supervisor

The existing 30-hour per week Head of Reference position became vacant at the end August with the retirement of a 32-year employee.  The recommended change can be accommodated within the department’s 2007-2008 budget.  The approved base salary for the existing part-time position is $46,696; entry-level base salary for a full-time grade level 39 position is $43,359 (-$3,337). We anticipate that this vacancy cannot be filled before the end of November, which would result in a one-time savings of $10,000 in lapsed salary. 


This proposed change to a full-time position is based on the following justification:





That the Council enact the attached ordinance, effective October 8, 2007.