Chairperson Jonathan Whitney called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Commissions attending the meeting were: Mary Margaret Carroll, George Cianciolo, Chris Culbreth, Gretchen MacNair, Laura K. Moore, Scott Nilsen, Glenn Parks, Amy Ryan, Jonathan Whitney (Chair), and Robin Whitsell. Staff members present were Senior Planner Kay Pearlstein and Administrative Clerk, Renee Zimmermann.
The Town has received a request for a Concept Plan Review which proposes construction and an earthen materials supply operation located at 7404 Millhouse Road. The site is located on the east side of Millhouse Road, approximately 350 feet north of Eubanks Road. The proposed project includes an 8,400 square foot office building with two loading bays, parking for 14 cars, outdoor storage for stone, sand, mulch, and top soil, and parking for earth-moving machinery. The 3.4-acre site is located in the Mixed Use-Office/Institutional-1 (MU-OI-1) and Mixed Use-Residential-1 (MU-R-1) zoning districts, the Resource Conservation District, and is outside of the Town limits and within the Joint Planning Transition Area. The site is identified as Orange County Parcel Identifier Number 9870-78-8402.
Property owner Mr. Calvin Mellott and project engineer Steven Byrum made a presentation to the Commission.
No citizens spoke on this development.
The applicant replied that delivery trucks carrying gravel, sand, and stone will be the main truck traffic on the site.
The applicant replied that he wanted his material products to be seen from the road and was not planning on additional screening.
The engineer for the project replied that the Stormwater Management Plan had not yet been submitted to the Town for review.
The applicant replied that they were recycling a 22-foot by 62-foot wide utility building currently used on their Carrboro site. The applicant stated that approximately 10 employees will be on-site.
Commissioner Parks was interested in viewing the building elevations and encouraged the applicant to provide roof overhangs on the building.
The Commission generally thought that the earthen materials supply operation was a compatible use with the surrounding area but were concerned about the amount of screening being proposed along Millhouse Road and between the property and the adjacent horse farm and about development close to the Resource Conservation District. The Commission wanted additional information on the proposed building and stormwater management for the site.
Prepared for: Jonathan Whitney, Chair
Prepared by: Kay Pearlstein, Staff