A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE USE OF UP TO $20,000 IN FUNDS TO UPDATE THE TOWN’S trAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS GUIDELINES and authorizING the Town Manager to sign a contract for consultant services related to the revisions (2008-01-14/R-4)

WHEREAS, the North Carolina General Assembly enacted local legislation at the Town’s request to authorize the Town to accept contributions from developers for enhancement of public transportation in lieu of construction of roadway improvements; and

WHEREAS, the legislation allows the Town to use payments to provide either or both of the following:

  1. Public transit system capital improvements that will improve public transit service to the new development.
  2. Roads or other transportation infrastructure improvements that will serve the area of the new development.

WHEREAS, the Town’s Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines do not currently include a mechanism to determine public transportation impacts.


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the Council authorizes the use of up to $20,000 in Transportation grant funds to update the Traffic Impact Analysis Guidelines to allow the Town to assess public transportation impacts and accept contributions toward public transportation improvements as part of new developments and authorizes the Town Manager to sign a contract for consultant services related to the revisions.

This the 14th day of January, 2008.