Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director

Ralph D. Karpinos, Town Attorney


Public Hearing:  Possible Extension of Development Moratorium in the Northern Area 


January 14, 2008



Completion and enactment of the attached ordinance (Attachment 1) would extend the current moratorium for the Northern Area. We recommend that the Ordinance not be enacted. We recommend that the Public Hearing not be continued beyond tonight.


Tonight, the Council is receiving public comment in support of and in opposition to a proposed Zoning Atlas Amendment to extend the temporary moratorium on development within the Northern Study Area of Chapel Hill, which is scheduled to expire on January 31, 2008. The ordinance would apply to Rezoning applications, Special Use Permit applications, Major Subdivision applications and Site Plan Review applications.


Enactment of the ordinance would continue a moratorium on these development applications and would continue to stop additional development proposals coming forward in the Northern Area until the Council has addressed the stated problems leading to enactment of the temporary moratorium.


We recommend that the Council close the Public Hearing and take no action, allowing the current Moratorium to expire on January 31, 2008.



This package of material has been prepared for the Town Council’s consideration, and is organized as follows:

  • Cover Memorandum:  Summarizes the proposal, reviews procedures for review and offers a preliminary recommendation for Council action.
  • Attachments:  Includes a draft ordinance enacting the Moratorium, Planning Board recommendation on the proposal, and associated materials. If the Council decides not to enact the ordinance, no action would be required.

The Council is also holding a Public Hearing on a related item tonight to consider Implementation Proposals for the Northern Area. Please refer to the attached memorandum, Implementation Proposals for the Northern Area.




On March 7, 2007, the Council held a work session to review development activity in the northern area of Chapel Hill.


On March 26, 2007, the Council considered a follow-up report outlining alternatives to address the issues raised at the work session. The Council took the following actions:



On April 23, 2007, the Town Council considered additional information concerning the implications on downzoning or rezoning developable property and enacting a moratorium.


On May 21, 2007, the Town Council enacted a moratorium on development within the Northern Study Area set to expire January 31, 2008.


On September 24, 2007, the Council received and referred (to selected Advisory Boards and Commissions and the Town Manager and Attorney) the Final Report of the Chapel Hill Northern Area Task Force as well as the Chapel Hill Northern Area Workshop: Transit Oriented Development Concept Plans, thanking the Task Force for the work.


On October 8, 2007, the Council called a Public Hearing November 12, 2007 to consider proposed implementation strategies for recommendations of the Northern Area Task Force and closure of the development moratorium.


On November 12, 2007, the Town Council held a Public Hearing to consider proposed implementation strategies for recommendations of the Northern Area Task Force, including the following.


  1. Amending the Comprehensive Plan to include:
    1. The Final Report of the Chapel Hill Northern Area Task Force;
    2. The Northern Area Workshop Transit Oriented Development Concept Plans, and
    3. An updated Land Use Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Plan, to include the transit oriented development (TOD) opportunity sites identified by the Northern Area Task Force Report.


  1. Amending the Land Use Management Ordinance to allow for uses by right in the existing Mixed Use-Village (MU-V) zoning district; and


  1. Enacting Zoning Atlas Amendments for specific areas from Mixed Use-Office/Institutional-1 (MU-OI-1) to Mixed Use-Village (MU-V), or Residential-1A (R-1A), or Residential-1 (R-1), or Residential-2A (R-2A), or Residential-2 (R-2) zoning district.


On November 19, 2007, the Town Council called for tonight’s Public Hearing to consider extending a moratorium on development within the Northern Study Area (Hyperlink <>). The current moratorium will end on January 31, 2008.


Tonight, January 14, 2008, the Council is holding a Public Hearing to consider extending this moratorium on development within the Northern Study Area.




North Carolina General Statute Section 160A-381(e) stipulates the authority for enactment and extension of temporary development moratoria for municipalities in this State. Attachment 3 is a copy of that Statute.


The Statute states that in order to extend or renew a moratorium, a city must “have taken all reasonable and feasible steps proposed to be taken by the city in its ordinance establishing the moratorium to address the problems or conditions leading to the imposition of the moratorium.” 

In addition, there must be “new facts and conditions” which warrant an extension of the moratorium.


The ordinance renewing or extending the moratorium will need to include, at the time of adoption, the following findings:


(1)       A clear statement of the problems or conditions necessitating the moratorium and what courses of action, alternative to a moratorium, were considered by the city and why those alternative courses of action were not deemed adequate.

(2)       A clear statement of the development approvals subject to the moratorium and how a moratorium on those approvals will address the problems or conditions leading to imposition of the moratorium.

(3)       An express date for termination of the moratorium and a statement setting forth why that duration is reasonably necessary to address the problems or conditions leading to imposition of the moratorium.

(4)       A clear statement of the actions, and the schedule for those actions, proposed to be taken by the city during the duration of the moratorium to address the problems or conditions leading to imposition of the moratorium.


In addition, any ordinance extending an existing moratorium must articulate what new facts or conditions warrant the extension.


We do not believe that extension of the development moratorium is warranted by new facts and conditions in the northern area. We believe that the current development moratorium should be allowed to expire given the anticipated actions of the Council tonight. Improved conditions include the Northern Area Task Force Report, which was produced by the Council appointed Task Force, and is recommended for adoption as a component of the Comprehensive Plan in a related agenda item tonight. Other work that is currently underway that we believe will positively influence development in the Northern Area, includes the Long Range Transit Plan, work of the Higher Density Development Steering Committee, the possible updating of the Chapel Hill Comprehensive Plan, and Town sustainability projects such as carbon emissions reduction and greenhouse gas programs. Additionally, we are also proposing new recommendations, based on Council comment at the November 12 and November 19 meetings, for improving community planning. Please see the accompanying memorandum, Implementation Proposals for the Northern Area, for more detailed information.




Recommendations are summarized below.


Planning Board Recommendation: On December 4, 2007, the Planning Board voted 5-0 to recommend against extending the current temporary development moratorium and that properties identified for rezoning be rezoned to Residential-1 (R-1). A Summary of Planning Board Action is attached.


Staff and Town Attorney’s Recommendation: We recommend that the Council take no action on the attached ordinance, thereby ending further consideration of this item. We do not believe that the legally required basis for extension of this moratorium as described above and spelled out in the attached statute can be demonstrated.


Should the Council choose to delay final action on this item that could occur on January 28, 2008, prior to the expiration of the current temporary moratorium on January 31, 2008.



  1. Ordinance – Approving the Moratorium (p. 6).
  2. Moratorium Ordinance enacted May 21, 2007 (p. 8).
  3. N.C. Statute G.S. Sec. 160A-381(e) (p. 15).
  4. Planning Board Summary of Action from December 4, 2007 Meeting (PDF) (p.16).


Agenda Items #7 and 8


  1. Adopted (2008-01-14/R-7) as Amended.
  2. Staff PowerPoint Presentation [1.6 MB pdf]
  3. Information from Del Snow regarding Implementation Proposals For Northern Area [21 KB pdf]