Subject: Bradley Ridge Cluster Subdivision Preliminary Plat
Meeting Date: December 18, 2007
Recommendation: That
the Council adopt Resolution A, as attached to the Staff Report, approving the
subdivision with the following changes to the stipulations:
- Stipulation #11 revised to require installment of traffic
calming devices rather than payment for future installation, text to
read: Prior to opening the Amesbury Drive connection, the applicant shall
install traffic calming devices within the Town limits on Amesbury Drive
and Sweeten Creek Road, with the final type, design, and location to be
reviewed and approved by the Town Manager prior to issuance of a Zoning
Compliance Permit.
- Stipulation #12 revised to require sidewalk on the east
side of Sunrise Road rather than both sides of Sunrise Road.
- Stipulation #16 revised to include a time limit for use of
the payment-in-lieu (5 years within occupancy of the 31st
house), with funds to be returned to the applicant if they are not used
within this timeframe.
- Stipulation #21, regarding a pedestrian path to open
space, to be deleted entirely.
- Stipulation #29, revised to clarify stormwater
improvements shall not extend beyond the upland corridor zone of the
Resource Conservation District (rather than prohibiting intrusion into the
entirety of the RCD).
- Stipulation #45, revised to increase the impervious
surface limit from 353,600 square feet to 388,000 square feet.
- Stipulation #51, regarding Construction Management, the
following text added: That the plan prohibit the use of Ginger Road and
any street in Chandlers Green for access by construction vehicles prior to
the completion of all infrastructure improvements for the entire
- Stipulation added requiring fencing around the detention
basin near the proposed tot lot.
- Stipulation added requiring installation of “No Parking”
signs on the internal streets, similar to the parking restrictions in the
Chandlers Green neighborhood.
Vote: 6-0
Ayes: George Cianciolo, James
Stroud, Michael Collins, John Ager, Margaret Campion, and Andrea Rohrbacher
Nays: none
Additional Recommendation:
The Planning Board recommended the Town Council refer the
stormwater management issues to Town staff for further analysis of the data and
data interpretation presented by the applicant and the Sunrise Coalition to
resolve discrepancies.
Vote: 6-0
Ayes: George Cianciolo, James
Stroud, Michael Collins, John Ager, Margaret Campion, and Andrea Rohrbacher
Nays: none
Prepared by: George Cianciolo, Chapel Hill Planning
Board Chair
Kendal Brown, Staff