Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


George Small, P.E., Engineering Director

Kumar Neppalli, E.I.T., Engineering Services Manager


Response to a Petition Requesting Pedestrian, Bicycle, and other Safety Improvements at Signalized Intersections in Downtown be included in the Rehabilitation and Expansion of Traffic Signal System Project


January 28, 2008


This report is in response to a Council Member petition requesting that the pedestrian, bicycle, and other safety improvements at the signalized intersections in Downtown be included in the rehabilitation and expansion of traffic signal system project.

The requested improvements are included in the traffic signal system upgrade project and no action is required by the Council.


At the October 22, 2007 Council meeting, a Council Member submitted an oral petition requesting pedestrian, bicycle, and other safety improvements at the signalized intersections in Downtown be included in the rehabilitation and expansion of traffic signal system project.

At the Town’s request, the State has approved funding in the 2007-2013 Transportation Improvement Program for rehabilitation and expansion of the Chapel Hill traffic signal system. A Municipal Agreement was executed between the Town and the State in June 2007.  The project design was started in November 2007 and expected to be completed in December this year.   The construction of the project is expected to start in April 2009 and be completed in 2011.  The total estimated cost of the project is $5 million and the Town share is $450,000. 

The proposed upgrade project includes the following key elements:

Within the next few months, Town and NCDOT staff will select signalized locations to include the following safety improvements:

As part of the design of the project all traffic signal design plans will be revised and the improvements listed above will be included in the revised plans. The improvements will be implemented as part of the construction of the traffic signal system upgrade project.

Two of the Town owned traffic signals in downtown located on Rosemary Street are upgraded with pedestrian and bicycle amenities and two more signals are planned to be upgraded in the next fiscal year.



The requested safety improvements are included in the traffic signal system upgrade project and we will work with N.C. Department of Transportation to implement them.