Roger L. Stancil, Town Manager


J.B. Culpepper, Planning Director

Gene Poveromo, Development Coordinator


Concept Plan:  Columbia Street Annex at 1150 South Columbia Street

(File No. 9788-20-4502)


February 18, 2008




Attached is a proposal for a Concept Plan for the Columbia Street Annex. The Council has the opportunity tonight to hear this applicant’s presentation, receive a set of comments from the Community Design Commission, hear public comment, and offer suggestions to the applicant for consideration as further plans are drawn.  At the conclusion of the evening’s discussion, we recommend that the Council adopt the attached Resolution transmitting comments to the applicant.




The Community Design Commission reviewed the Concept Plan on October 24, 2007. Summary Minutes from that meeting are attached. The proposal reviewed by the Community Design Commission is different from the proposal before the Council tonight. The differences include a reconfiguration of the entrance driveway and redesign the parking and building layout in order to keep the west side of the Resource Conservation District undisturbed.


The Land Use Plan, a component of the Comprehensive Plan, identified the site as Low Residential, 1-4 units per acre. The site is currently vacant.




This Concept Plan proposal is for a mixed use development. The proposed project includes 75,000 square feet of floor area for 32 dwelling units with 15% of the dwelling units proposed as affordable housing. A combination of retail and office space for 12,000 square feet of floor area is proposed on the ground floor. Parking for 80 cars is also proposed. The 4.6-acre site is located in the Residential-2 (R-2) zoning district and the Resource Conservation District. The site is identified as Orange County Parcel Identifier Number 9788-20-4502.




The Town Council and Community Design Commission, in examining Concept Plan proposals, are to consider the various aspects of design, with special emphasis on whether the proposed development is consistent with the Town’s Design Guidelines and the Goals and Objectives of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan. This development proposal does not meet land use intensity thresholds requiring Town Council review but the applicant has requested Town Council review of their Concept Plan proposal.


The Concept Plan review process does not involve staff evaluation of the proposal.  Review of the submitted Concept Plan is conducted by the Community Design Commission and, in some instances, the Town Council.




We recommend that the Council review this Concept Plan, receive comments from citizens, and adopt the attached Resolution transmitting comments to the applicant.




1.      October 24, 2007 Community Design Commission Concept Plan Summary (p. 4).

2.      Area Map (p. 7).

3.      Concept Plan application (PDF) (p. 8).