George Small, P.E., Engineering Director

Kumar Neppalli, E.I.T., Engineering Services Manager


Response to a Petition Requesting Traffic Safety Improvements on Sedgefield Drive


February 25, 2008




This report is provided in response to a petition requesting several traffic safety improvements on Sedgefield Drive.  Please see the area map provided in Attachment 1.




At its November 19, 2007, meeting, the Town Council received and referred a petition requesting the following traffic safety improvements on Sedgefield Drive:


A copy of the petition is provided in Attachment 2.


Sedgefield Drive is a Town maintained street and was constructed with 27 feet of pavement and curb/gutter on both sides.  The Town’s contractor is currently building a sidewalk on the north side of Sedgefield Drive from Honeysuckle Road to Weaver Dairy Road.  The posted speed limit is 25 mph on Sedgefield Drive. Several transit and school bust stops exist on this street.


Install/repair curve warning signs:

The Town staff installed the missing curve warning signs with 15 mph speed limit advisory plates.  We also installed “limited sight distance” sign as requested by the petitioner.


Conduct traffic studies on Sedgefield Drive and install speed monitoring devices at the existing speed limit signs:

The Town staff conducted traffic studies in January of this year and found that the 85th percentile speed is 35 mph and average speed is 29 mph.  The daily traffic volume was found to be 1150 vehicles.  The study results indicated that vehicular speeding is a problem on Sedgefield Drive.

At its June 30, 2004 meeting, the Council adopted Traffic Calming Policy and Procedures including a neighborhood petition process. Town policy requires that a valid petition for traffic calming measures such as speed tables must be signed by two-thirds of the property owners within the service area surrounding the proposed project site(s). We discussed this with the Petitioner and provided a copy of the adopted Traffic Calming Policy and Procedures.  We also provided a petition form and information on the required number of signatures. 


Request enforcement of traffic regulations:

As a preliminary measure, Town staff installed orange flags on the existing speed limit signs on Sedgefield Drive and the Police Department will conduct periodic speed limit enforcement on Sedgefield Drive to the extent possible with the available resources.


Review the safety of walk zone between 2451 and 2453 houses on Sedgefield Dr:

The Town’s Contractor started construction of sidewalk on the north side of Sedgefield Drive and is expected to complete the work within the next few months.  We believe the sidewalk will provide a safe path for pedestrians near numbers 2451 and 2453.


Upgrade safety precautions at the transit bus stops on Sedgefield Drive:

The petitioner requested that the Town install raised pavement markings on Sedgefield Road near the transit bus stops.  Raised pavement markings (also called rumble strips) result in noise which can be a problem during night time to residents.  However, we will discuss this with the area residents in the traffic claming process and make recommendations based on their input.  As a preliminary measure, we plan to install “pedestrian warning” signs near the bus stops.




Upon receipt of a valid petition in accordance with the Town Traffic Calming Policy, Town staff will develop traffic claming plans for Sedgefield Drive, and establish project priorities based on the ranking system included in the policy.  Once a project has completed the necessary procedural steps, we include it with other projects for funding consideration by the Council.



  1. Area Map (p. 3).
  2. Petition (PDF) (p. 4).