Focus on Land Use, Transit and Development
Make Chapel Hill a better place
to live, work, learn, and play; a more diverse community; and a more
sustainable community.
Strategies & Strategy Areas
- Define where we want
to go with growth
- Conduct regular
Comprehensive Plan updates
- Address building up
vs. single-family housing, residence vs. where people work and drive
- Connect planning
assumptions and trends, e.g., water, environment, climate
- Address development
pressures on buffers
- Enhance town capacity
to achieve goals and initiatives, e.g., dark sky – how, when?
- Define how the town
“fits” into the larger metropolitan area
- Determine how to
institutionalize sustainability, i.e., resilient infrastructure, drastic
environmental conditions
- Examine the Land
Trust as it relates to affordable housing and maintenance
- Consider larger
community education regarding issues, challenges, solutions
- Pay for improvements
through land use/development process
- Address renovation
and repair needs
- Better define role
and relationship with county for EMS
- Take a strategic
approach to identifying and addressing cross-cutting impacts, e.g., impact of
higher density development on policing
- Track cumulative
impacts of development on capacity
- Define transit’s role
in development
Priority Project/Initiative