Thank you for your email. A copy has been forwarded to the Community Design members.
Amy T. Harvey
Assistant Clerk
Town Clerk's Office
405 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
919-967-8406 fax
From: Emma Griffis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:21 AM
To: All Clerk
Subject: to the Community Design Commission
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Community Design Commission:
I just found out about the plans of Ram Development Company to build a 15.6-acre
condominium complex at 425 Hillsborough Street in Chapel Hill. I come to you as a Carolina alumni and past Town House Apartments
resident to urge you not to allow this development to happen. As an
undergraduate student at Carolina, my friends and I had difficulty finding
affordable housing near campus. Town House, although old and not exactly
the nicest of apartment complexes, provided both affordability and close
proximity to campus. My roommates and I thoroughly enjoyed our two years
at Town House, were able to walk or bike to class every day, and made it
through college with less dept and more freedom than had we been living
somewhere else.
I deeply believe that the space on Hillsborough Street should be reserved for similar affordable student housing, if not Town House Apartments themselves. There is no reason to build condominiums that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, which only
wealthy young professionals can afford. Those who can afford the condos
have ample resources available to them and can find similar housing not far
from Hillsborough Street and the downtown area. Save the space for University students who would not be able to afford other housing, and keep our community as it is: a college town in which all are able to happily live, work,
and study within their means. Don't push them out.
Emma Griffis, UNC Class of 2003
[email protected]
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