Residences at Grove Park
SUP Submittal
3rd Round
Compiled Changes from the Concept Plan Submittal
- Height of Building 4 was reduced by two floors and
depth of townhomes along Hillsborough Street was increased to better
buffer neighboring historic area.
- Townhouse Building E4 was removed and the units
incorporated into the three remaining townhouse buildings to improve the
low rise buffer for the historic district.
- Total Dwelling Units went from 332 to 346 units.
- The Total Floor Area changed slightly from 487,663 SF
to 492,634 SF but proposed FAR was reduced from .930 to .874 by the new
zoning requirements included in the zoning designations proposed by the
Planning Department.
- Trash and recycling rooms are now accounted for within
Buildings 1, 2, 3, and 4 (formerly Buildings A, B, C, and D) and
additional recycling facilities have been added to meet Town requests.
- Planned roadways and surface parking locations were
minimized and relocated to preserve a greater number of significant trees,
including the largest 50” Oak in the center of the site.
- Roadways were redesigned to remove approximately 6,000
SF of existing impervious surfaces from the 2 most critical lower RCD
zones and reduce disturbance area of lower zones from existing levels.
- Only proposed changes to RCD Upland Zone are designed
to provide improved safety along Martin Luther King Jr. entrance way for
pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles alike.
- Interior streets were redesigned to discourage through
traffic to Hillsborough Street and address neighborhood concerns.
- Two lots adjacent to the site on Martin Luther King,
Jr. Blvd. were added to the
site to provide for a safer and more
prominent Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd entrance. They will be part of the
recombination plat as part of the final approval process.
- The potential pedestrian access between our site and
the site to the South has been addressed with a proposed greenway easement
rather than the cross-access easement previously shown to address
neighboring property owner’s concerns.
- Storm water devices were relocated to minimize the
impact to the RCD.
- Dumpster and recycling enclosure courts have been added
behind Building 2
(formerly Building B)
and Building 3 (formerly Building C) to meet guidelines set
by the Town of Chapel Hill Public Works and Orange County Waste
- · A 20’ wide, one-way drive has been added for fire truck access to
the north of
Building 3 (formerly
Building C) but still discourage through traffic.
- · A 20’ wide fire access path has been added between Building 3
Building C) and Building
4 (formerly Building D). Roll curb and breakaway
bollards have been included at each
end to facilitate truck access. The fire access path was designed to double as
an activity trail with fitness stations and designed to minimize required
impervious materials.
- 9,800 SF of active recreation space has been added
(including 3 sets of bocce
courts and the
pedestrian activity paths).
- Total parking spaces went from 524 to 580 spaces, but
more than 78% of total
spaces were kept under
buildings in parking decks and structures.
- Class I and Class II bike parking spaces were added, in
both the parking decks
and on the site to
encourage bicycle use and connection to downtown.
- The Net Land Area has changed from 555,867 SF
(existing) to 550,346 SF.
- The Impervious Calculations have changed from 229,657
SF of NLA (Existing) to 295,773 SF of NLA (Concept Plan) to 320,897 of NLA
(3rd SUP Submittal).
Submitted 1-2-2008