South Grove is a 26 unit, large lot, single-family subdivision located outside of the urban services boundary of Chapel Hill on US 15/501 South.  Once approval has been granted, we intend to develop the site with streets, a community well water system, stormwater system, entry, landscaping and recreation space, then to sell the lots to homebuilders who will create new housing for the community.


            We recognize the community’s goal to incorporate energy efficient components into the construction of new facilities and to pursue energy efficiency wherever possible.  Therefore, we plan that the South Grove subdivision and the homes to be built there will strive to contribute to these goals.


            Specifically, South Grove intends to:


                        a. Include design components into its site design to allow buildings to be constructed with real energy efficiency;


                        b. Incorporate guidelines and practices into its homeowners’ association documents to monitor the construction practices of the homes built and to encourage ongoing operating efficiencies; and


                        c. Commit that all homes built at South Grove will include features within their plans that will result in the homes being 20% more energy efficient than the requirements of ASHRAE standards.


            In pursuit of these goals, South Grove incorporates streets designed mostly on an east-west axis so that homes can make use of passive solar energy features. The landscaping plan strives to retain most of the tree cover through out the neighborhood to maximize shading by directing that the front yard area and rear, septic areas remain in trees.  The community well water system proposes to utilize one wellhead and pump versus 26 separate wells and street lighting is omitted in favor of low level post lighting at each driveway.


            Our homeowners association will manage for the neighborhood: the well, pump, water treatment and distribution system, maintain the entrance, sidewalk and street area landscaping, maintain the recreation area and all common areas and coordinate all repair, maintenance and periodic certifications of the septic sewer systems.  In addition, the HOA controls architectural approvals of all construction within the neighborhood and will coordinate with the builders how their house plans will be energy certified and to make sure certifications are completed. The HOA will work with the builders and homeowners to minimize installation of lawn area, limit the size of irrigation systems, encourage the use of individual rainwater cisterns for landscaping purposes and communicate with homeowners the continuing goals of energy efficiency.


            The Energy Star program provides a proven system of energy certification.  Builders are encouraged to choose from an extensive menu those components appropriate to their house construction to achieve improved energy efficiency.  At South Grove, builders will be required to design and install components and systems to achieve at least a 20% improvement in energy efficiency over ASHRAE standards, as certified by the Energy Star system, or an equal or better alternative